Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do Tempurpedics Cause Back Pain

New Delhi, the year begins with the''horns''anti

draws Yesterday in New Delhi noted the''No Honking''Day, the day anti horn. What honestly makes you laugh when you consider the constant trumpeting of citta'indiane. But It is a timid start and it 's a sign that things are changing at the level of civic education. An NGO, on behalf of''The flamboyant Earth Saviours 'Foundation,''and it' made in hell deafening Connaught Place to distribute leaflets to persuade motorists not to use the horn unnecessarily. They have given stickers with the words''No Honking''. But the beauty that also offered della vernice nera per cancellare le iconiche scritte ''Blow Horn'' e ''Horn Please'' che tanto fanno divertire i turisti.

La perla e' pero' questa lettera del giudice Deepak Verma, della potentissima Corte Suprema, che appoggiando la campagna ''No Honking'' racconta di quando era in taxi a Singapore. ''Despite the green signal, our taxi did not move. I requested the driver to blow the horn, but to my utter surprise, he asked me why?'' scrive. Il giudice gli rispose che bisogna strombazzare per far muovere l'auto davanti, ma il tassita replico' che era inutile perche' tutte le auto erano in coda e non si potevano muovere . E poi, lasciando Verma sconcertato, aggiunse:'I could think of no reason why the cars ahead of him would not move, if they get a chance''.


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