Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Long Should I Take Metronidazole For


This morning I went to Khan Market with some trepidation. Two days ago, here is a pilot for an angry altercation has stretched under a manager of Italian restaurant Amici (Friends of the face). This was crushed under the wheels of his car. A trivial quarrel between two''rich''Indian professionals, probably of the same caste, for a scratch to the body ended up in a horrifying tragedy.

The Khan Market, 'a symbol of the rampant and you find yourself-not-know-who-am-I New Delhi, even if it' a horrible heap of insanitary shacks rented to crazy numbers, it seems more 'than on Fifth Avenue. After my house, I think it's the place to have spent more 'time here in India. I have a sort of love-hate, I admit, especially to places like Barista and Khan Chacha.

As I crossed the street, a SUV I was going to invest. I have shouted that they had already 'killed one way'. And 'quite common to find drivers or rude drivers. Just do not stop 'cause those who are considered at the foot of shit or maybe even worse. Cars and 'status symbol. Now we have only 14 Indians in a thousand, let alone in a little 'for years, if the fat cows continue.

What about what is' succcesso? And I say 'not our fault. Yes, if our e'colpa Indians now think only of money to buy himself luxury cars, designer clothes, to go to trendy restaurants, especially Italian ones. So 'we want India, as a potential market of 350 million consumers, as legge nei rapporti economici. Il clima non e’ poi cosi’ diverso da quello che si respirava a Milano (o si respira ancora?) quando c'erano gli yuppies. Mutanda firmata e discoteche esclusive.

Non sono contro il progresso, per carita', se da’ mangiare, un gabinetto e una vita dignitosa a chi non l'ha mai avuta. Ma sono un po' perplessa sui valori , che attraverso i nostri prodotti materiali, portiamo in questa terra dove la lingua, l’hindi, non ha neppure il verbo ‘’avere’’.

''Troppo denaro facile, di quello non guadagnato con il lavoro'' mi ha detto il proprietario di una cartoleria, nell'ala piu'sfigata e ancora senza negozi alla moda, del market. And then:''People have no more 'patience, think only about money and then gives him' off his brain.''


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