Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Best Asus Gaming Motherboard

Volantino 1^ prova Torneo Province Venete 2^ Serie

Ecco il volantino definitivo.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where Is The Latin Kings Main Hood

Locandina gara Torneo Province 2^ serie Rustega 3 Aprile 2011

Cari amici,
                 questa è la locandina della gara che organizzeremo a Rustega il prossimo 3 Aprile.
 La gara è valida quale prima prova del Torneo delle Province 2^ serie e sarà realizzata in collaborazione con gli amici dellASD Rustega.
Siamo arrivati quest'anno alla 4^ edizione di questa corsa, denominata Trofeo Simply-Sma , nata the wishes of the brothers Chris and Pastrello Cochise and our friend and athlete, Perin Gabrielee of the holders of "Papillon Pizzeria.

The competition has grown year after year, reaching last year to the remarkable figure of 250 participants.
We hope that this year there will be time friend and runners meet our expectations .
On our part there all the mettermo as usual, that the show succeeds best.
See you on April 3rd !!!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can I Put Slate Directly On Drywall

I love parks,''''New Delhi

Last Sunday I went to the 'green lung''of New Delhi, and that' a huge rocky area covered with bushes and brambles, called''Ridge''which is set in the diplomatic enclave of Chanyakiapuri the megaparco the presidential palace and the district of Karol Bagh. I do not know that there are strange things inside, maybe or maybe military secrets and 'only''oxygenate''the air of the megalopolis.

cycling and I was really 'wanted to go to a place of curiosity, who's name was Malchus Mahal and whose book''said Sam Miller in Delhi: Adventures in a Megacity'' (Penguin, 2008). E’ una antica palazzina dove vivono (o vivevano) due eccentrici fratelli che dicono di essere I discendenti dei Nawab del regno di Oudh (un pezzo dell’attuale Uttar Pradesh dove c’e’ Lucknow).

Ovviamente non l’ho trovato, pero’ ho scoperto dove sono i ‘’parchi dell’amore’’ di New Delhi. Uno e’ proprio all’inizio della ‘’foresta’’ e si chiama Bhagwan Mahavir Vanasthali Park, mentre l’altro e’ adiacente al centro sportivo di Talkatora, ora rifatto completamente dopo i Giochi del Commonwealth di ottobre. Di sicuro ce ne sono anche altri, ma io mi sono trovata per caso in questi con un certo imbarazzo. In effetti quando sono entrata nel Bhagwan Mahavir, ho visto che sia I parcheggiatori che i venditore di bibite mi guardavano con estremo sospetto. Ma pensavo fosse per via che sono arrivata in bici. Dopo essermi addentrata un po’, ho capito. C’erano solo coppie avvinghiate, tra nugoli di scimmie curiose, che si sbaciucchiavano o si tenevano abbracciati. Alcune si erano nascoste sotto una coperta o una dupatta ed era abbastanza chiaro quello che stavano facendo. Ho visto poi anche qualche guardone con la mano sulla patta dei pantaloni.

Facendo finta di ignorare cosa stava succedendo intorno a me e determinata a godermi la mia domenica, mi sono messa a leggere la mazzetta dei giornali su una panchina vicino all'ingresso. C'erano girls sitting on the sunny lawn. And I 'came the question that perhaps in these parks there' s also prostitution, but who knows? Maybe they were just waiting for their boyfriends. I've always wondered - in a city 'of 15 million inhabitants and passes and where sex and' taboo '- where young people go without a car and especially in places Camporella.

Park stadium Talkatora and 'far more' nice and clean. There are flower beds full of flowers along a system of fountains do not work. In my naivete 'I thought it was normal for a walk. But there ', even a guy, a vigilante (paid by couples?) Told me quite bluntly''This is a park for couples'', while another wanted to prevent me from taking photos to dahlias (for once I had other intentions, I was doing close-ups of the flowers, putting into practice the lessons of photography that I followed).

later, still cycling, I continued along the road that runs along the Ridge. Looking good on the sides, I have discovered many tricks of the young (prostitute?) Sessions at the beginning of lurid path that are lost in the bush. They reminded me of the Nigerian on Sunday, in summer, is placed (maybe still do) in the fields of maize, but with a miniskirt, '... in the countryside of the Canavese.

Desert Eagle Titanium Airsoft

The twins Kessler, Pinocchio and the art Neopop

Per i 150 anni dell'Unita' nazionale, l'Istituto di Cultura di New Delhi ha ospitato una divertentissima mostra dedicata all'arte Dada e Pop, che io onestamente credevo si fosse fermata alla Marylin di Andy Warhol o agli urinatoi di Duchamp. Invece il curatore Igor Zanti ha scovato 27 talenti d'avanguardia e li ha riuniti in una rassegna chiamata Dadaumpop che e' gia' stata a Mumbai e Calcutta.

Non penso davvero che in India conoscano le gemelle Alice e Ellen Kessler , lanciate dalla Rai esattamente mezzo secolo fa, ma la mostra e' piaciuta molto e nonostante alcune opere un po' ose' (nella foto un dipinto di Angelo Volpe dal titolo ''I pray you tell me another lie'') non ha creato alcun imbarazzo. D'altronde, questo country - think of the gods 'or Hindu festivals like Holi - not' maybe, unconsciously, the true home of pop?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Change Toner On Scx-4521f

Gran Fondo di Dubai 2011

Ciao a tutti,
                   eccomi di ritorno dalla Gran Fondo di Dubai 2011  svoltasi negli Emirati Arabi dallo scorso sabato 29 Febbraio a domenica 6 Marzo.
Originariamente la manifestazione, doveva svolgersi in quel di Sharm el Sheik come lo scorso anno, ma i recenti avvenimenti politici che si sono verificati in Egitto , hanno costretto l'amico Luca Stangalino ed il suo staff della Sport2Live a dirottare la corsa quattrotto and four in Dubai.
say that if the original sports program has somewhat suffered, certainly the location of the event he has won. The exceptional hotel Cove Rotana Resort in Ras Al Khaimah, the rooms, service, restaurants, beach and sea.
What was especially appreciated by our guides who were able to take full advantage of the luxury that we have been offered by Arab friends.
The race, however, for obvious reasons, could not follow the original plan, but this week we have the same syrup almost 500 km between plain windy, arid desert and steep climbs.
This year has accompanied me in my adventure rider Ennio Mumeni with whom I shared the hardships and not just cycling.
Here are some photos of the event public, in addition to the sporty side also saw a side of holiday.

But the holiday was not just a bike, in fact we had also to celebrate together in front of a slice of "sopressa" and a glass of champagne brought by his Alvise Farne 'in suitcase of his bike!!

torniamo alla corsa, primo giorno sgambata di 70 km e ci siamo subito accorti che la settimana si sarebbe presentata impegnativa. Infatti la temperatura oscillava tra i 35 e i 39 ° C ed il vento soffiava forte sin dal mattino.
Comunque non ci siamo persi d'animo ed il giorno dopo abbiamo aumentato il chilometraggio fino a 90 km.
A tirare il gruppo c'erano i marchigiani con in testa l'ex professionista Wladimiro d'Ascenzo , già gregario di Michele Bartoli non più tardi di 6 anni fa. Non da meno gli emiliani con il buon Croci sempre pronto a dar battaglia accompagnato dal Campione Emiliano a cronometro Beretta.
Il terzo giorno le cose si fanno più serie e la distanza  arriva ai 110 km con una buona dose di saliscendi sui quali si scatena la bagarre ed il gruppo si fraziona in tanti gruppetti.
Ma il clou della manifestazione sicuramente è stata l''uscita che ci ha portati a Dibba attraversando la catena montuosa locale , quasi 150 km sotto il sole cocente che ci ha ridotto le forze al lumicino , almeno da parte mia.
E' stata proprio una belle sgambata che ha lasciato il segno su più di qualche partecipante.
L'indomani infatti , ultimo giorno di vacanza, non tutti si sono presentati all'appello dell'ultima sgambata.
Peccato , è stata infatti l'occasione di fare una passeggiata in tranquillità e di incontrare un gruppo di dromedari che con docilità si sono fatti fotografare con noi atleti.
Alla fine è doveroso un ringraziamento a tutto lo staff Sport2live con Luca e Olga in testa, loro assieme agli altri loro collaboratori, ci hanno fatto sentire in famiglia e non ci hanno fatto mai mancare la loro presenza .
Un sentito GRAZIE ed un arrivederci al prossimo anno per una nuova avventura!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What R Results For Ept Test

Where Can I Get A Ferris Bueller Vest

Palolem, they put the lifeguards! Ladakh

I was for a short breaks to Palolem in south Goa, the former Portuguese colony and tropical paradise, which, fortunately, remains so despite the invasion of mass tourism, very different from that of''flower children''who discovered these beaches. I admit that the authorities' local authorities were good at building curb overbuilding and the resulting environmental destruction. Well it could be much worse. When I came for the first time seven years ago was much more 'wild'''' e c’era un turismo saccopelista, in maggioranza ragazzi israeliani. Adesso sta diventano un posto di lusso con prezzi occidentale, ma sono riusciti a evitare gli eccessi. Per esempio, ho notato che hanno vietato ai ristoranti e negozi di ‘’avanzare'' sul litorale e che sono tornare le barche dei pescatori.

In assoluta esclusiva, ecco un compendio di news da Palolem e dintorni:

- Gosh , il guru olandese e guaritore che vive tra le rocce sull’estremita’ della spiaggia ha introdotto quest’anno un nuovo prodotto assolutamente ecologico: la menstrual cup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_cup) . Permette di risparmiare migliaia di assorbenti buffer and that a woman uses her life, I read an advertisement 'in front of his cave to which I had come to swim. True, you never stop learning. Congratulations

- Restaurant Magic Italy and 'changed hands after so many years, but thankfully the pizza and' remained equally unbeatable, one of the best I have found in India. Instead of vigorous Claudia, the kitchen is' an equally energetic chef, Patrick, same style, only in miniature. Now the Magic Kingdom and 'open for lunch.

- Baywatch . These and 'a turning point. They put the lifeguards! Baywatch-style towers sit on the lifeline pronta intorno ai fianchi e le bandiere rosse che issano – non ho capito perche’ - anche dove l’acqua ti arriva alle caviglie. In piu’ fanno la ronda con una jeep sul bagnasciuga, cosa che mi ha irritato non poco. Anche in spiaggia mi devo sorbire il diesel! E’ curioso perche’ ignorano completamente gli stranieri, mentre sorvegliano solo gli indiani. Tra l’altro, poi al largo, a mezzora di nuoto, c’e’ anche un super motoscafo con la scritta Life Guard. I pescatori, quelli che portano in giro la gente a vedere i delfini, mi hanno detto che non funzionava piu’ da un mese. E’ diventato la mia piattaforma prendi sole nel pomeriggio.

- Lupo solitario. Al largo, sheltered island (Monkey Island) chef to frame the beach, sailing a small boat was at anchor, a 6-8 meters, a little 'shabby. A button to attack, I went swimming with the sailor, a Dutchman of middle age 'that had led the Maldives and then he had left parked in Goa ten months while he''worked''in Europe. ''Now I'm new on vacation''he said with a kayak and went ashore to obtain supplies of water.

- Galgibaga (protected beach about ten miles south of Palolem mini turtles nesting Olive Ridley Sea Turtles (. Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olive_Ridley_Turtle) . There were only two nests, number five and number six on the beach of eggs laid in late January and early February. So I assume that this year only six mothers chose Galgibaga turtles. A little 'bit. Sara 'perhaps for the lifeguards who also arrived here with their red flags?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Letter Of Intent To Vacate Apartment

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wiki Brazilian Waxing

Campionato d’inverno 2011: Foto

La galleria foto deriva da una collaborazione tra Team Lenox e Asd S.Eufemia.

Click on image to view gallery

Japan Groping On Train

Campionato d’Inverno 2011: video Supergentlemen

Video viewable in HD for high-speed Internet connections

How Do I Know If Implantation Occured

Campionato d’Inverno 2011: video Veterani

Video viewable in HD connections Fast Internet

What Does A Mnc Bank Do

The model will save us'? The tabla player and jogging

Reflections from the documentary Economics of Happiness


I went to see a documentary of the activist Helena Norberg-Hodge, just published, called''the Economics of Happiness' 'and that requiring it to show in schools all over the world. It 's a raccolta, circa un ’ora, di interviste a scienziati, ecologisti e anche a un monaco tibetano, veramente illuminanti accompagnati da immagini e dati. E’ appena uscito in DVD e prevedo avra’ un successone, come lo ha avuto ''The Inconvenient Truth’’ dell'ex presidente Usa Al Gore dedicato all’ambiente. Ha lo stesso ritmo.

Mi ha colpito poi perche’ la regione del Ladakh, che tutti ammirano per la serenita’ della sua gente, e’ preso a modello.

Il documentario e’ stato presentato venerdi’ scorso a New Delhi dall'attivista e scienziata indiana Vandana Shiva, che compare tra le voci narranti. Non so se in Italia se ne e’ parlato, ma anche was, we're so 'focused on our gut, and that' hard to notice these things. Once again India with all its contradictions and 'also able to offer global solutions, at least as regards the relationship with nature and with themselves.

The''location''and no more 'the''globalization'', this will be' the new watchword for the near future if we want a planet a bit 'more' liveable, with less injustice and especially with a sustainable development. And now 'clear that there are serious problems in the way we produce and consume. The financial crisis two years ago and the collapse of economies a noi vicine, come Grecia e Irlanda, sono spie di un problema cronico che si fa finta di ignorare. La rivoluzione in Egitto e’ un altro sintomo di un malessere molto profondo che colpisce direttamente la pancia e quindi proprio per questo e' capace di generare terremoti nel corso della storia.

Nessuno lo vuole ammettere, ma la soluzione e’ cambiare il modello economico. Anche quelli che ora ci guadagnano, cioe’ multinazionali e ‘’poteri forti’’ prima o poi dovranno riconoscerlo. Non e’ possibile permettere (e sfruttare) lo sviluppo dei giganti India e Cina secondo i criteri occidentali. Non basta il pianeta, la coperta e’ troppo corta, inutile fare gli struzzi.

La via di uscita passa quindi attraverso la riscrittura della scala di valori con cui siamo cresciuti noi nella parte ricca del mondo. Basta, per esempio, considerare il lavoro manuale come degradante, basta con il consumismo, con l’esasperante ricerca del profitto, della produttivita’ agricola e della mano d'opera a basso costo.

In Bhutan hanno coniato un po’ di anni fa il concetto di economia della felicita’, il documentario lo ricorda.
Ma sono abbastanza pessimista sul fatto che si possa svoltare. E’ dalle Bucoliche di Virgilio che l’umanita’ accarezza il sogno di una vita agreste….

How To Determine Service Computation Date

Campionato d’Inverno 2011: video Gentlemen

If you see the advertisement (inserted from YouTube) in the video, click the X to miss.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Are The Chances Of World War 3

Campionato d'inverno 2011: video jun/sen

Video viewable in HD for high-speed Internet connections

Pain In Both Sides Of Belly

Campionato d’inverno 2011: Classifiche

a big success with 302 runners . No accident. Appreciated the full award.

If you do not see a preview click here -> Race Sant'Eufemia: Standings

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Click the button to view the document in full screen

Saturday, February 12, 2011

When Does Canned Chicken Broth Expire


Alcune volte, dopo 9 anni qui, ho l'impressione di non aver India got a damn. This morning, the breath after jogging, I stopped near the ruins of a small tomb, the sultan of some invaders, in the park at Hauz Khas, one of seven ancient cities' of Delhi. Being close to home, and 'a place frequented' and is' very impressive. Inside the tomb there were kids sitting on the carpet with the tabla, had lit some incense 'everywhere and were preparing for a session of 4 hours. Curious as always, attack button. Ed and 'them' that I put a string of pearls incredible.

The Indian tabla, you know, has always fascinated the Western world, and 'a great tool. But I barely know to distinguish a table from a mridangam, is that the barrel goes over the shoulder and a tabla player and perhaps' a blasphemy only hear their name. While a kind man, perhaps the organizer, explained to me patiently the difference between the two drums, involved an alien who was also a jogger mattuttino, that invents a scholarly exposition on the difference between the tones' of Indian music and Western.

Evidently it was the youth who wanted to, so I tried to change the subject. But the worse. But''It is a bit dark to play in it?''I ask, amazed that such a banality 'I was out of the mouth. Maybe 'cause the sun was out beautiful ... ''There 's a sonorita'migliore inside and then to play the tabla there are scores, bastano le mani e seguire Guruji'' mi risponde sempre con gentilezza il signore. ''Ovvio, perche' non ci avevo pensato?'' dico con nonchalance.

Invece di andarmene al piu' presto possibile, rimango e completo l'opera. Fingendomi interessata a saperne di piu' sulla tabla e pensando addirittura di prendere lezioni: ''Ma dove ha la scuola Guruji?''. Ancora una volta con tono paziente, mi corregge: ''Non ha nessuna scuola, lui fa concerti in India e all'estero. Ha dei discepoli, che sono come dei figli per lui, vanno a casa sua a imparare ogni domenica e oggi hanno deciso di venire qui. Non e' come un conservatorio o una scuola di musica in Occidente''. A quel punto lo saluto e me ne vado...''grazie e buona giornata...sa, devo proseguire il mio jogging...''.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wedding Subjunctive Spanish

Corruption, Italy beat India (according to The Hindu)

In questo lungo articolo, cliccate qui , la corrispondente di The Hindu, Vaiju Naravane, che sta a Parigi e che da li' copre il continente europeo, traccia dei paralleli non molto lusinghieri tra India e Italia, alcuni azzeccati altri un po' frutto di stereotipi, la solita triade mafia, pizza e mandolino, a cui ora si aggiunge anche il bunga bunga.
E' interessante per vedere come e' percepita l'Italia e gli italiani da qui...

PS L'articolo ha suscitato una dura reazione dell'ambasciatore italiano a New Delhi Giacomo Sanfelice di Monteforte. Ecco la sua lettera pubblicata da The Hindu il 9 febbraio

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gay Cruising Places In Abu Dhabi

Finmeccanica and rain machine to go with red

Mother Nature pulled a dirty trick last night at Finmeccanica, the Italian high-tech jewel, celebrating more than 40 years in India where it is present in several areas, from helicopters to railway signaling, via the torpedoes and radar.

The Italian embassy in New Delhi had organized a reception in the garden in an elegant red-white gazebo surrounded by a mini photo exhibition on the history and achievements of the group Guargaglini (for 30% state owned), which is increasingly interested in the rich Indian market.

For once I arrived on time at 20.30 as stated in the invitation. I had just crossed the threshold of representation and greeted the police when I saw the first lightning. Then came some violent gusts that made the posters exhibition animating suddenly fly fighter-bombers and helicopters that were represented. When he arrived, the Minister of Renewable Energy Faruq Abdullah, the Kashmiri leader strangely without his usual headgear, the first drops fell. Fortunately, Abdullah, an admirer of Italy, he did just in time to see the exhibition and also to take a glass of wine with Ambassador Sanfelice di Monteforte and CEO of Finmeccanica, Giorgio Zappa.

Then the flood. Paraphrasing D'Annunzio,''Aulenti rained on chiffon ladies'' e dei tendaggi, sul vasellame e argenteria dei tavoli apparecchiati e sulle fotografie luccicanti. Il lavoro di un pomeriggio sfumato in dieci minuti. Mentre gli invitati, un centinaio, si rifugiavano sotto il porticato della residenza, i camerieri preparavano la cena in salotto.

Cose che capitano. Come mi diceva mio nonno, che non era esattamente un frequentore di reception, ‘’al c... e al tempo non si comanda’’. Peró a New Delhi, se ben ricordo, sono almeno 4 mesi che non piove, piú o meno da quando é finito il monsone, a settembre. Quindi una bella sfortuna. O forse che tra il mezzo miliardo di euro di commesse che Finmeccanica pensa di aggiudicarsi nei prossimi anni, c'e anche una macchina for rain and 'embassy was tested? To be sure, would the millions of Indian farmers felicita'di ...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Samsung Compatability With Parrot


Dear friends,
this is the leaflet of "20 ^ Winter Championship" race on the road opening for Udace in Veneto we organize for the second Sunday in February.

Here is the detailed route map that will take place Sunday, February 13. This circuit is very smooth in fact consists of two straight for 1 km and two straights of 650 meters for a total of km. About 3.300, almost a rectangle with four corners and sliding quite large.

We will try to organize the race with his usual care, putting a lot of attention especially to the safety of riders.
Rich premiums provided that you list below:

year as big news as you can see from the press, we have also decided to award this placement that usually leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of riders, namely the 11 th place.
This is to try to go a bit counter and those athletes who meet while putting all their efforts to see a blur niente.Spero will appreciate this extra effort on the part of our organization to promote i partecipanti.

La maglia di Campione d'Inverno anche quest'anno è sponsorizzata dall'amico Carlo Borella della Keit Abbigliamento Sportivo  di Caselle d'Altivole, sempre disponibile a collaborare per la buona riuscita della manifestazione

Speriamo che il tempo ci sia amico come in tutte le passate 20 edizioni e che la partecipazione sia come al solito numerosa e di qualità.
Arrivederci al 13 Febbraio!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

14 Year Old Natrailist Blog


Cari amici,
                 I am to inform that in 2011 the ASDSEufemia will be assisted by two new sponsor.Entrano in fact, become part of our team two new brands:
the gate Varniciatura Righetto brothers Paul and Fernando and Giancarlo Cauzzo
the Gelateria Quadrifoglio Betteto of his friend Valerio, strong athlete of our team.
On this occasion we made a restyling to our knitting.

These new brands together with the confirmed sponsors Colorificio S. Eufemia, shoes Bertoldo, DG Azimut Astrology and architectural decoration Daniele Valentini, will help us to better address the commitments of this organization in 2011 as the "Winter Championship 2011," race on February 13 near future.
last thing I do not know if you noticed, the addition of the flag on the edges of the short sleeve shirt.
We have discovered that having won four national title, we entitled to wear this symbol, and we did it.
See you soon and good rides at all.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Error Memory Access Violation

Calendario gare Torneo delle Province 2011 di 1^ e 2^ serie (provvisorio)



Farawell College Invitation Wording

Fine, 100 rupees

I bought a scooter, brand new, too, in helping to grease the motor industry that last year recorded more than 30% of sales. It 's a Honda Activa, as my old hero of the Expedition Himalaya 2008, but it' s a bronze-gold, a new color introduced by the Japanese. I paid 50 rupees (1 euro is worth 59 rupees) on roads and with accessories, including the spare wheel. My fellow countrymen, at home, they told me not 'expensive, and but for' an enormous sum, two months' rent.

The problem 'and that' was recorded aa my name rather than the other second-hand but had been headed to an Indian passed away and that - poor - kept pecking my fines. It 's a miracle, but despite the lack of computerization of the police, fines arrive, they do. I experienced when I traveled with Maruti that my friend had lent me Concetta.

Sunday morning I returned from Vasant Kunj, southern suburbs, where you can still see the sacred cows and all the roads are still a hole when I have plucked a burning red. I turned that advantage were all still in the usual traffic jam. After about fifty yards, there were policemen. One way in which blocked the other two fedigrafi and comfort on plastic chairs in a fruit stand and the other peanut. The penalty for red and 'a hundred rupees (and as' a red Italy now, 100 euro?). A

nothing and 'served as usual messainscena of foreign senile and worn tactic of''I have no money.'' I even showed the tennis racquets (I had played with friends) to say that it was Sunday and that was my day off. I experimented with my Hindi. Nothing, they have not stirred an inch. I paid, I would come straight home, I knew. They gave me a receipt and made to sign. Goodbye good times.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Long Should I Take Metronidazole For


This morning I went to Khan Market with some trepidation. Two days ago, here is a pilot for an angry altercation has stretched under a manager of Italian restaurant Amici (Friends of the face). This was crushed under the wheels of his car. A trivial quarrel between two''rich''Indian professionals, probably of the same caste, for a scratch to the body ended up in a horrifying tragedy.

The Khan Market, 'a symbol of the rampant and you find yourself-not-know-who-am-I New Delhi, even if it' a horrible heap of insanitary shacks rented to crazy numbers, it seems more 'than on Fifth Avenue. After my house, I think it's the place to have spent more 'time here in India. I have a sort of love-hate, I admit, especially to places like Barista and Khan Chacha.

As I crossed the street, a SUV I was going to invest. I have shouted that they had already 'killed one way'. And 'quite common to find drivers or rude drivers. Just do not stop 'cause those who are considered at the foot of shit or maybe even worse. Cars and 'status symbol. Now we have only 14 Indians in a thousand, let alone in a little 'for years, if the fat cows continue.

What about what is' succcesso? And I say 'not our fault. Yes, if our e'colpa Indians now think only of money to buy himself luxury cars, designer clothes, to go to trendy restaurants, especially Italian ones. So 'we want India, as a potential market of 350 million consumers, as legge nei rapporti economici. Il clima non e’ poi cosi’ diverso da quello che si respirava a Milano (o si respira ancora?) quando c'erano gli yuppies. Mutanda firmata e discoteche esclusive.

Non sono contro il progresso, per carita', se da’ mangiare, un gabinetto e una vita dignitosa a chi non l'ha mai avuta. Ma sono un po' perplessa sui valori , che attraverso i nostri prodotti materiali, portiamo in questa terra dove la lingua, l’hindi, non ha neppure il verbo ‘’avere’’.

''Troppo denaro facile, di quello non guadagnato con il lavoro'' mi ha detto il proprietario di una cartoleria, nell'ala piu'sfigata e ancora senza negozi alla moda, del market. And then:''People have no more 'patience, think only about money and then gives him' off his brain.''

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Effects Of Boxing

Khan Market in New Delhi is more 'cold in Geneva!

General winter makes itself felt this year in Delhi where he pulls something so 'cold that appears to come directly from the Himalayas. Unlike previous years, the sun fails to warm the air. A newspaper owner was amused yesterday in Delhi''more 'cold in Geneva.'' That 's true,' cause I saw that on Lake Geneva during the day you get to 14 degrees, while here we stop at 11 or 12, depending where you live, it seems that the south of the capital, the more 'rich, is piu'caldo that. Not only Geneva, but Zurich is better! Sara 'climate change? Well, I do not believe so, the first week of January and 'always been the most' cold.

The drama 'that we are not well equipped. Yesterday one of my heaters and is' broken. They just went by the electrician of the neighborhood that - wisely - was in front of a nice hot brazier, where sometimes the shopkeepers threw some shingle. I also have been a bit 'to enjoy the warmth ...

The schools were closed in the classrooms there 'heating. The city 'yesterday, Sunday was deserted. Every so often there were bonfires on the sidewalk 'around with improvised shapes infagottate. Andare in scooter e’ una sofferenza, ma in casa a volte e’ peggio…

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pityriasis Rosea On Vulva

New Delhi, the pink subway patrols

Ecco cosa capita sui vagoni ''sole donne''

Qualche tempo fa avevo visto in tv le scene di ‘’ronde rosa’’ che picchiavano un gruppo di uomini saliti sui vagoni della metropolitana di New Delhi. Ora le ho viste in azione e ho capito che in effetti c’e’ da temere. Ero su una delle carrozze ‘’ladies only’’, sono le prime del treno, quando sono entrare due corpulente donne con un salvar kamize blu e una dupatta nera. Hanno puntato subito su un ragazzino (straniero) che era salito con la mamma e la sorellina. Senza complimenti l’hanno fatto spostare nella carrozza vicina dove gli uomini erano schiacciati come sardine e lanciavano occhiate imploranti a noi passeggere che eravamo comodamente sedute. Le kapo’ poi si sono dirette contro un ragazzino, avra’ avuto dieci anni, e lo volevano cacciare, ma poi la madre ha alzato la voce e hanno desistito. Le altre donne hanno rivolto ampi segni di approvazione.

Ogni volta la metro si ferma in stazione, c’e’ sempre qualcuno che fa il furbo, ma viene respinto dalle stesse passeggere o dalle ronde. Due turisti stranieri, che forse non hanno visto il segno rosa sul pavimento prima di salire, sono stati immediatamente cacciati da alcune signore, nonostante c’era posto per tutti.
Ammetto and that 'the idea of \u200b\u200bprivate cars and' good, avoid palpaggiamenti and above the crowd. On commuter trains in Mumbai, there is 'already', but they put a grate that separates the zones. They could also put in Delhi to separate the envious looks ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Power Wheelchairs Diagram


Dear friends,
below the poster that will organize the European Championship with friends ASD Massanzago Trinox Abagrigliati, 25 and 26 June.


This is the map of the route km. About 13.5 without the approval of the Technical Committee that will review the National Udace all, the first of February.

detailed program will be followed sooner had the approval of the National Technical Commission Udace.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Can I Buy The Best Demi Glace

holidays in Italy, travelogue

With a bit of late, here is the diary of a week in Italy.

- December 23, Milan Malpensa. I experienced the Indian airline Jet Airways on December 5 has a direct daily Delhi-Milan. You travel during the day, unlike others who leave in the middle of the night, the staff and 'gentle, Indian food and' so 'so', ma servono il gelato. Mi chiedo come e’ possibile che un paese dell’ex G8 ora G20, non riesca ad avere un collegamento diretto con l’India. In aereo rido con Three Idiots, il film con Amir Khan.

- 24 dicembre: Chivasso, provincia di Torino. Dopo un recente furto, mio padre ha trasformato la casa in un bunker anti ladri. Porte blindate, fotocellule in cortile e una telecamera collegata con i carabinieri. Di notte ci asserragliamo nel fortino come se ci fossero i lanzichenecchi alle porte. Vado a Messa di Natale nella frazione di Betlemme, gemellata con quella palestinese. C’e’ un presepe vivente, con tanto di neonato e angioletti. Molto bello. Nella foga, il celebrante, un frate francescano, fa un'apertura a divorziati gay and inviting them to join the church. With all respect to the above categories, we really are the fruit.

- December 25. Christmas lunch at the Piedmont Classic agnolotti. Although I'd like to spend Christmas in an alternative way to recognize that end, the traditions are still the best. Especially for agnolotti. To my surprise, in the afternoon, Vodafone internet key to start my 9 € per month within the network and to greet friends. The broadband works well in the province, although I do not understand anything of tenders, G3, UMTS, GPRS and various witchcraft.

- December 26. I have just received the press, the journal of the Fiat, than having to last two days, has translated Economist half. The Italian news, I read a short article that tells of a dead guy for a game autoerotic with a screwdriver. The agreement on Mirafiori and 'celebrated with success, including some industrial achievements such as reducing the break to the workers of the assembly.

- December 27. Bracchiello (Valli di Lanzo). We moved to the mountain hut where he has just snowed and the snow flakes were sticking to leaves and branches, with effect from postcard. There 's the sun. In complete solitude affront a walk in the woods breaking boxes to entire herds of deer.

- December 28. Turin. They were ten years or more 'not returning to the capital of Savoy that - I e'cambiato had said''.'' Maybe I'm wrong happened on the day. I found the city 'more' clean si'ma much more 'sad, despite the Christmas period. A merchant in Piazza Vittorio told me that Christmas sales are down 60%. Via Lagrange, e'forse 's only road a bit' lively. Also experiment with the new mini metro. The shops close for lunch from 12 noon to 3. I find the clerks a bit 'grumpy and bystanders afraid to talk to strangers, if only to give directions. Ongoing Alemanno billboard advertised a''classic''funeral at the price of 1,000 €. I did the iconic image of my visit.

- December 29. Again Chivasso. At home you eat two meals a day, multiple appetizers, first, second, desserts, cheeses and fruit, with wine of course. I wonder how can I sopravviveve the rest of the year in India with a single flow, maximum two per day. I watch television. There 'an advertisement' food for neutered cats, which do not make you fat.

- December 30. Milan, the last day. Maybe to stay in theme, I go to the Biennale to see a photo exhibition on torture, birth defects, genocide and human suffering documented by various shots of the author. In Piazza Duomo there 's a huge fir tree, I shudder just thinking about how many years will have', surrounded by a range of prefabricated Tiffany. Within only to see the trunk of the poor, but 'behind the counters of jewelry designer.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Do Tempurpedics Cause Back Pain

New Delhi, the year begins with the''horns''anti

draws Yesterday in New Delhi noted the''No Honking''Day, the day anti horn. What honestly makes you laugh when you consider the constant trumpeting of citta'indiane. But It is a timid start and it 's a sign that things are changing at the level of civic education. An NGO, on behalf of''The flamboyant Earth Saviours 'Foundation,''and it' made in hell deafening Connaught Place to distribute leaflets to persuade motorists not to use the horn unnecessarily. They have given stickers with the words''No Honking''. But the beauty that also offered della vernice nera per cancellare le iconiche scritte ''Blow Horn'' e ''Horn Please'' che tanto fanno divertire i turisti.

La perla e' pero' questa lettera del giudice Deepak Verma, della potentissima Corte Suprema, che appoggiando la campagna ''No Honking'' racconta di quando era in taxi a Singapore. ''Despite the green signal, our taxi did not move. I requested the driver to blow the horn, but to my utter surprise, he asked me why?'' scrive. Il giudice gli rispose che bisogna strombazzare per far muovere l'auto davanti, ma il tassita replico' che era inutile perche' tutte le auto erano in coda e non si potevano muovere . E poi, lasciando Verma sconcertato, aggiunse:'I could think of no reason why the cars ahead of him would not move, if they get a chance''.