Saturday, February 26, 2011

Where Can I Get A Ferris Bueller Vest

Palolem, they put the lifeguards! Ladakh

I was for a short breaks to Palolem in south Goa, the former Portuguese colony and tropical paradise, which, fortunately, remains so despite the invasion of mass tourism, very different from that of''flower children''who discovered these beaches. I admit that the authorities' local authorities were good at building curb overbuilding and the resulting environmental destruction. Well it could be much worse. When I came for the first time seven years ago was much more 'wild'''' e c’era un turismo saccopelista, in maggioranza ragazzi israeliani. Adesso sta diventano un posto di lusso con prezzi occidentale, ma sono riusciti a evitare gli eccessi. Per esempio, ho notato che hanno vietato ai ristoranti e negozi di ‘’avanzare'' sul litorale e che sono tornare le barche dei pescatori.

In assoluta esclusiva, ecco un compendio di news da Palolem e dintorni:

- Gosh , il guru olandese e guaritore che vive tra le rocce sull’estremita’ della spiaggia ha introdotto quest’anno un nuovo prodotto assolutamente ecologico: la menstrual cup ( . Permette di risparmiare migliaia di assorbenti buffer and that a woman uses her life, I read an advertisement 'in front of his cave to which I had come to swim. True, you never stop learning. Congratulations

- Restaurant Magic Italy and 'changed hands after so many years, but thankfully the pizza and' remained equally unbeatable, one of the best I have found in India. Instead of vigorous Claudia, the kitchen is' an equally energetic chef, Patrick, same style, only in miniature. Now the Magic Kingdom and 'open for lunch.

- Baywatch . These and 'a turning point. They put the lifeguards! Baywatch-style towers sit on the lifeline pronta intorno ai fianchi e le bandiere rosse che issano – non ho capito perche’ - anche dove l’acqua ti arriva alle caviglie. In piu’ fanno la ronda con una jeep sul bagnasciuga, cosa che mi ha irritato non poco. Anche in spiaggia mi devo sorbire il diesel! E’ curioso perche’ ignorano completamente gli stranieri, mentre sorvegliano solo gli indiani. Tra l’altro, poi al largo, a mezzora di nuoto, c’e’ anche un super motoscafo con la scritta Life Guard. I pescatori, quelli che portano in giro la gente a vedere i delfini, mi hanno detto che non funzionava piu’ da un mese. E’ diventato la mia piattaforma prendi sole nel pomeriggio.

- Lupo solitario. Al largo, sheltered island (Monkey Island) chef to frame the beach, sailing a small boat was at anchor, a 6-8 meters, a little 'shabby. A button to attack, I went swimming with the sailor, a Dutchman of middle age 'that had led the Maldives and then he had left parked in Goa ten months while he''worked''in Europe. ''Now I'm new on vacation''he said with a kayak and went ashore to obtain supplies of water.

- Galgibaga (protected beach about ten miles south of Palolem mini turtles nesting Olive Ridley Sea Turtles (. Http:// . There were only two nests, number five and number six on the beach of eggs laid in late January and early February. So I assume that this year only six mothers chose Galgibaga turtles. A little 'bit. Sara 'perhaps for the lifeguards who also arrived here with their red flags?


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