Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Does A Hymen Look Like Before It's Broken

OSHO / 3 In the evening there' the mega drive, but no alcohol and sex

What is the test that I have AIDS?

The highlight of the day and by Osho 'is the late afternoon when the Osho Evening Meeting, an opportunity'''''unique experience''awareness''effortless, the essence of the experience of meditation ''(I quote more from the instruction book). The bonanima Osho himself said that''and 'a great opportunity' to enter into inner space. In this meeting, and you experience something that no one 'can give a definition. It 's the culmination of the entire day of work, meditation or groups.'' Honestly, I thought it was at this point that somehow came out the issue of sex. I knew - but to hear - that sex was one of the practices of philosophy oshiana. The reputation of the ashram was therefore a place where he gets''''at least among my male friends. The AIDS test mandatory in fact would believe these things. Why 'do not form the control for the bird flu? I admit that I had some expectations on the subject, I was really curious to see how (and whom) it was done. Clearly, sex therapy and 'reserved only for advanced courses,' cause in my program there was nothing like that. In fact, tell 'more', it decidedly difficult to button with a newcomer to attack someone. The sanyasi are not many words, especially if you do not know. But I think it is normal for any sect. I probably have the wrong season, now there's' little people, or maybe the meeting point and 'the jacuzzi near the pool, where I did not go,' cause I had not approved the custom burgundy.
the evening meditation, the music was definitely better. Much more 'rocking. There was a live band, very good, and strobe lights. The piramidone like a mega club, too bad but lacked 'the bar and sofas. More 'or less every 10 minutes, all OSHOOOOO shouted, his hands raised. When the music stops is screaming Osho again for three times in a row and then you lie. So There 'a session of relaxation, another thing that I did not understand and when you have to pronounce''gibberish''. Then comes the climax. Cala and the giant screen appears with the same Osho usually woolen cap. A voice announces that speech is involved (as a Mass for the tracks of the Gospels). Start talking about American politics (Reagan mentions several times), then launches into virulent attacks against U.S. imperialism supported by the Christian church. Seasons speech with anecdotes and sometimes jokes. He speaks of the absurdity 'of city traffic, of people getting angry with the driver in front of him and that' standing in queue and does not understand that they are all in the same misfortune. I think its Roll Royces and I'm tempted to send him to hell and getting up. But I resist. He speaks off the cuff of different subjects, and 'a good speaker, and knows how to hold the attention' cause often makes jokes. You hear people laugh and laugh in the video also sanyasi. The joke ends with and with 'some' from the tavern. The usual story of horns, very macho. But that's okay. What does not have tolerated, indeed I even pissed off, are the absurd restrictions on mats''allowed''in the auditorium pyramid. Since I had not approved the pad (which can be bought with coupons in''Zorba''boutique, I think Zorba the greek), I took home a white sheet, but with drawings blacks. After making me search at the entrance, a super kapo ' sanyasi mi ha rispedito nello spogliatoio, perche' ''erano ammessi solo scialli e solo scialli bianchi''. Meno male poi che nella piramide ci sono delle sedie contro il muro al fondo in cui ''e' ammesso'' stare per chi non vuole sdraiarsi sul marmo tombale. Nota finale: dopo la meditazione, in abiti normali (dopo e' permesso) sono andata alla mensa insieme ai compagni sanyasi come al solito in silenzio - Per inciso, ho scoperto poi che restare in silenzio nell'ashram e' a volte parte del programma e che nella boutique Zorba si puo' comprare anche la relativa spilletta ''dont talk to me, I am in meditation -. Insomma il super kapo sanyasi, anche lui in ''borghese'' si stava fumando una sigaretta dietro un cespuglio, non so se quello Smoking was the corner, but he looked at me as if I had caught with his fingers in the cookie jar ....( end).


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