Monday, August 2, 2010

How Old Is Wendy Calio Bio

OSHO / 2 Inside the pyramid of black marble

The afternoon program included several sessions of meditation by one hour. There was the''Silent Sitting Meditation,''I've ruled out immediately, and others that included activities 'more' motor, say. The''''Mahamundra Osho, for example, consisted of 30 minutes standing, 20 kneeling with his hands up and ten lie. The instructions said:''You're standing with eyes closed, keeping the body loose and relaxed: wait and cooperate. Suddenly feel a pulse - if the body and 'relaxed - the subtle energies will begin to move out of your control: this' Latithan.'' I thought this was a bit 'too advanced for my debut. I also discarded the Osho Mandala''''where''you have to run in place with knees more 'high as possible in 15 minutes''for''forgetting the body and mind.'' I do not know if I would have done so 'long. In short, in the end, a thousand hesitations, and a bit 'of anxiety I chose the''Meditation Osho Nataraj''which consisted of 40 minutes of dance''as if I owned,''20 minutes lying still and silent, and another 10 minutes of having to''celebrate''dancing.
The pyramid where you keep your meditations and 'in another area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance and the center of information. E 'of black marble, very gloomy, all around there is' a row of opaque glass, I do not think you can open. Little light, it's raining outside. Because the air-conditioned living room and 'cold as a tomb in Ognissanti. The floor, granite green (dark for an hour I'll try 'to remember the name but I can not) and' polished. A kapo 'sanyasi, with a white belt on the tunic burgundy ordina a un mio compagno di rimuovere una borsa di plastica da un davanzale della pseudofinestra. Ovviamente siamo a piedi nudi e io sono sprovvista di tappetino. Le istruzioni dicono che ‘’gli occhi rimangono chiusi per tutta la meditazione’’, ma io non ci riesco. Mentre inizia la musica, tipo new age, quella che mettono nelle sale di aspetto degli aeroporti, sbircio intorno. Siamo una ventina, di tutte le eta’. Le ragazze hanno tuniche attillate, sicuramente su misura, non come il sacco di patate della mia. Noto che c’e’ una certa ricercatezza. Decisamente si muovono meglio dei maschi. La mia vicina piroetta su se stessa, un’altra dietro corre seguendo un misterioso tracciato. Ho paura che ci si scontri visto that (in theory) we are looking. At first I did not really want to dance, then we take it taste a bit 'suppose to fly and then dive into the water, from which emerges a book and I jump in the sky. I like the idea. After a while, 'I'm sick. Checking his watch to see what is missing. Finally, click the gong and they all collapse on the cold floor. Since I was very tired and a little 'fever because of an abscess tooth, I think I fell asleep ... When I wake up sore and gong frozen. The last ten minutes of dancing are a little 'listless. At the end, everyone goes, in absolute silence, like automatons. But how? After sharing such a whirlwind of energy, even thanks,''and 'was good'', nothing. Some seemed very sad, more amorphous. Definitely not sociable. In two days of the ashram have not spoken to anyone ... The much-trumpeted
pool, which the friends I had spoken, and 'S-shaped, not very good for swimming, and' rather than to relax. But no one was there, maybe 'cause it was raining, I discovered that Pune is a lot more' cold in New Delhi. The entrance was not, however, 'included in the daily pass, but it was a part (150 rupees) and we wanted to buy the custom burgundy in Osho boutique, with its famous good. I rimunciato and I opted for a walk in the garden. Even knowing that the photos are prohibited by stealth I took a picture in a corner of the pool, with the fear of being surprised by kapo 'press office. I wish I'd at least have a picture of myself cured that way. I asked the security guard sanyasi (before entering the pyramid there is' a thorough body search) if I made a shot. The pictures are absolutely forbidden''''I replied dryly. But''I do not want it at the ashram, but myself ..''I replied. The same denial. After a couple of dirty looks from fellow sanyasi near I gave up and I left the table.


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