Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fake Id Yonge St Toronto

pink ribbon all'ASDSEufemia

Dear friends,
are to share a new member to our team.
After more than 34 years after its foundation, the ASDSEufemia, pass a woman cyclist.

It is in fact registered with our team, Mumeni Elisa, daughter of our affiliated Ennio biker-skater.
Miss plans to address the mountain bike, and if he has the grit of the father shall see the beautiful.

For now, as you can see from the photos, is experiencing, but who knows if we could find a potential champion ?!!!!
We'll see, comunque diamo il benvenuto ad Elisa che con il suo arrivo porta un pò di gentilezza in questa squadra di "rudi" ciclisti.

Tanti auguri Elisa per questa tua nuova avventura.


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