I love parks,''''New Delhi
Last Sunday I went to the 'green lung''of New Delhi, and that' a huge rocky area covered with bushes and brambles, called''Ridge''which is set in the diplomatic enclave of Chanyakiapuri the megaparco the presidential palace and the district of Karol Bagh. I do not know that there are strange things inside, maybe or maybe military secrets and 'only''oxygenate''the air of the megalopolis.
cycling and I was really 'wanted to go to a place of curiosity, who's name was Malchus Mahal and whose book''said Sam Miller in Delhi: Adventures in a Megacity'' (Penguin, 2008). E’ una antica palazzina dove vivono (o vivevano) due eccentrici fratelli che dicono di essere I discendenti dei Nawab del regno di Oudh (un pezzo dell’attuale Uttar Pradesh dove c’e’ Lucknow).
Ovviamente non l’ho trovato, pero’ ho scoperto dove sono i ‘’parchi dell’amore’’ di New Delhi. Uno e’ proprio all’inizio della ‘’foresta’’ e si chiama Bhagwan Mahavir Vanasthali Park, mentre l’altro e’ adiacente al centro sportivo di Talkatora, ora rifatto completamente dopo i Giochi del Commonwealth di ottobre. Di sicuro ce ne sono anche altri, ma io mi sono trovata per caso in questi con un certo imbarazzo. In effetti quando sono entrata nel Bhagwan Mahavir, ho visto che sia I parcheggiatori che i venditore di bibite mi guardavano con estremo sospetto. Ma pensavo fosse per via che sono arrivata in bici. Dopo essermi addentrata un po’, ho capito. C’erano solo coppie avvinghiate, tra nugoli di scimmie curiose, che si sbaciucchiavano o si tenevano abbracciati. Alcune si erano nascoste sotto una coperta o una dupatta ed era abbastanza chiaro quello che stavano facendo. Ho visto poi anche qualche guardone con la mano sulla patta dei pantaloni.
Facendo finta di ignorare cosa stava succedendo intorno a me e determinata a godermi la mia domenica, mi sono messa a leggere la mazzetta dei giornali su una panchina vicino all'ingresso. C'erano girls sitting on the sunny lawn. And I 'came the question that perhaps in these parks there' s also prostitution, but who knows? Maybe they were just waiting for their boyfriends. I've always wondered - in a city 'of 15 million inhabitants and passes and where sex and' taboo '- where young people go without a car and especially in places Camporella.
Park stadium Talkatora and 'far more' nice and clean. There are flower beds full of flowers along a system of fountains do not work. In my naivete 'I thought it was normal for a walk. But there ', even a guy, a vigilante (paid by couples?) Told me quite bluntly''This is a park for couples'', while another wanted to prevent me from taking photos to dahlias (for once I had other intentions, I was doing close-ups of the flowers, putting into practice the lessons of photography that I followed).
later, still cycling, I continued along the road that runs along the Ridge. Looking good on the sides, I have discovered many tricks of the young (prostitute?) Sessions at the beginning of lurid path that are lost in the bush. They reminded me of the Nigerian on Sunday, in summer, is placed (maybe still do) in the fields of maize, but with a miniskirt, '... in the countryside of the Canavese.
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