Alcune volte, dopo 9 anni qui, ho l'impressione di non aver India got a damn. This morning, the breath after jogging, I stopped near the ruins of a small tomb, the sultan of some invaders, in the park at Hauz Khas, one of seven ancient cities' of Delhi. Being close to home, and 'a place frequented' and is' very impressive. Inside the tomb there were kids sitting on the carpet with the tabla, had lit some incense 'everywhere and were preparing for a session of 4 hours. Curious as always, attack button. Ed and 'them' that I put a string of pearls incredible.
The Indian tabla, you know, has always fascinated the Western world, and 'a great tool. But I barely know to distinguish a table from a mridangam, is that the barrel goes over the shoulder and a tabla player and perhaps' a blasphemy only hear their name. While a kind man, perhaps the organizer, explained to me patiently the difference between the two drums, involved an alien who was also a jogger mattuttino, that invents a scholarly exposition on the difference between the tones' of Indian music and Western.
Evidently it was the youth who wanted to, so I tried to change the subject. But the worse. But''It is a bit dark to play in it?''I ask, amazed that such a banality 'I was out of the mouth. Maybe 'cause the sun was out beautiful ... ''There 's a sonorita'migliore inside and then to play the tabla there are scores, bastano le mani e seguire Guruji'' mi risponde sempre con gentilezza il signore. ''Ovvio, perche' non ci avevo pensato?'' dico con nonchalance.
Invece di andarmene al piu' presto possibile, rimango e completo l'opera. Fingendomi interessata a saperne di piu' sulla tabla e pensando addirittura di prendere lezioni: ''Ma dove ha la scuola Guruji?''. Ancora una volta con tono paziente, mi corregge: ''Non ha nessuna scuola, lui fa concerti in India e all'estero. Ha dei discepoli, che sono come dei figli per lui, vanno a casa sua a imparare ogni domenica e oggi hanno deciso di venire qui. Non e' come un conservatorio o una scuola di musica in Occidente''. A quel punto lo saluto e me ne vado...''grazie e buona, devo proseguire il mio jogging...''.
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