Finmeccanica and rain machine to go with red
Mother Nature pulled a dirty trick last night at Finmeccanica, the Italian high-tech jewel, celebrating more than 40 years in India where it is present in several areas, from helicopters to railway signaling, via the torpedoes and radar.
The Italian embassy in New Delhi had organized a reception in the garden in an elegant red-white gazebo surrounded by a mini photo exhibition on the history and achievements of the group Guargaglini (for 30% state owned), which is increasingly interested in the rich Indian market.
For once I arrived on time at 20.30 as stated in the invitation. I had just crossed the threshold of representation and greeted the police when I saw the first lightning. Then came some violent gusts that made the posters exhibition animating suddenly fly fighter-bombers and helicopters that were represented. When he arrived, the Minister of Renewable Energy Faruq Abdullah, the Kashmiri leader strangely without his usual headgear, the first drops fell. Fortunately, Abdullah, an admirer of Italy, he did just in time to see the exhibition and also to take a glass of wine with Ambassador Sanfelice di Monteforte and CEO of Finmeccanica, Giorgio Zappa.
Then the flood. Paraphrasing D'Annunzio,''Aulenti rained on chiffon ladies'' e dei tendaggi, sul vasellame e argenteria dei tavoli apparecchiati e sulle fotografie luccicanti. Il lavoro di un pomeriggio sfumato in dieci minuti. Mentre gli invitati, un centinaio, si rifugiavano sotto il porticato della residenza, i camerieri preparavano la cena in salotto.
Cose che capitano. Come mi diceva mio nonno, che non era esattamente un frequentore di reception, ‘’al c... e al tempo non si comanda’’. Peró a New Delhi, se ben ricordo, sono almeno 4 mesi che non piove, piú o meno da quando é finito il monsone, a settembre. Quindi una bella sfortuna. O forse che tra il mezzo miliardo di euro di commesse che Finmeccanica pensa di aggiudicarsi nei prossimi anni, c'e anche una macchina for rain and 'embassy was tested? To be sure, would the millions of Indian farmers felicita'di ...
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