Saturday, November 27, 2010

What To Expect In A Sorority Initiation


Dear friends,
today to keep its shape during the winter, athletes rely to coaches, training tables, a maintenance diet, hours in the gym and so on.
Athletes dell'ASDSEufemia instead dusted off those old habits again, when winter was supposed to rest after a year of racing.
Specifically Lucio Bevilacqua and I, we went to find our Minesso Renato and we found it together some of his colleagues, busy as an activity that you can see from the picture below, is stimulating, relaxing and invigorating.
; ; Minesso, hamlets and Grigoletto
; ; Borgato, Grigoletto e Bevilacqua

D'altra parte i frutti di questa "preparazione invernale " si sono visti quest'anno, infatti il nostro Minesso รจ Campione Veneto Supergentleman A ed ha messo nal suo carniere altre 3 vittorie.
Speriamo quindi che anche per il prossimo anno questa "preparazione " dia i suoi frutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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