Monday, September 1, 2008

Birthday Messages To Colleagues


Dear brothers and wild boys here we bambos here, after 3 months, to start all over again: school, football games, the search for a slut to fuck (for those who do not), start to play on the premises (for those with the group), etc. . For most of us this year is a style of Dante's inferno: the circles correspond to the various questions and the various tasks in the classroom only to end up in the greatest of hardships and pain EXAMS!! Now I appeal to all those like me who will face the difficult last year: Do not give up WHY 'WHO STOPS AND' LOST! It may happen that during the year there will be ups and downs and falls but you have to get up early, sgrollarsi of dust and return on the long and glorious path! Life is known is fatta per combattere ogni giorno e noi siamo chiamati a partecipare combattendo con tutte le nostre forze.Vi lascio riflettere con una frase degna di lode:CHI COMBATTE PUO' PERDERE,CHI NON COMBATTE HA GIA' PERSO!!!

P.S. Regà sbrigamose a ricomincià la sfida calcistica Wild Boys-Bambos perchè so carico de adrenalina e ho sete di vendetta!!!


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