That 's it, I caught dengue fever
Like many, even among my own people, this year I caught dengue fever. It seems to be a worldwide scourge, I honestly I had never heard before coming to India. And even here, despite warnings, they are always caring about me. While I was feverish, I desperately tried to climb the infamous mosquito that transmitted the infection to me. Boh. The incubation and 'from 4 to 10 days, they say. In Calcutta, where I was a week before? Among stocks of Reliance Fresh rotten fruit at the supermarket? One evening in a garden of a wealthy diplomat considered the epicenter of the neighborhood of dengue in Delhi (who knows' that us inside the embassies ...)? Or maybe in front of all'aquitrino Nehru Park where once I stopped doing the stretching? Boh. This year 'state record for the monsoons, floods in Pakistan and I see the wardrobe that reeks of mold as not the case for years. The disease, ten days, and 'Way of the Cross was a daily obsession with the verdict of platelets that arrive after 19 with the results of blood test in the morning. The last special effect''and''It was a 'nightmare itchy hives on the palms of the hands, as if someone had pinched one thousand mosquitoes and dengue incredible ... incredible India.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What Does A Hymen Look Like Before It's Broken
OSHO / 3 In the evening there' the mega drive, but no alcohol and sex
What is the test that I have AIDS?
The highlight of the day and by Osho 'is the late afternoon when the Osho Evening Meeting, an opportunity'''''unique experience''awareness''effortless, the essence of the experience of meditation ''(I quote more from the instruction book). The bonanima Osho himself said that''and 'a great opportunity' to enter into inner space. In this meeting, and you experience something that no one 'can give a definition. It 's the culmination of the entire day of work, meditation or groups.'' Honestly, I thought it was at this point that somehow came out the issue of sex. I knew - but to hear - that sex was one of the practices of philosophy oshiana. The reputation of the ashram was therefore a place where he gets''''at least among my male friends. The AIDS test mandatory in fact would believe these things. Why 'do not form the control for the bird flu? I admit that I had some expectations on the subject, I was really curious to see how (and whom) it was done. Clearly, sex therapy and 'reserved only for advanced courses,' cause in my program there was nothing like that. In fact, tell 'more', it decidedly difficult to button with a newcomer to attack someone. The sanyasi are not many words, especially if you do not know. But I think it is normal for any sect. I probably have the wrong season, now there's' little people, or maybe the meeting point and 'the jacuzzi near the pool, where I did not go,' cause I had not approved the custom burgundy.
the evening meditation, the music was definitely better. Much more 'rocking. There was a live band, very good, and strobe lights. The piramidone like a mega club, too bad but lacked 'the bar and sofas. More 'or less every 10 minutes, all OSHOOOOO shouted, his hands raised. When the music stops is screaming Osho again for three times in a row and then you lie. So There 'a session of relaxation, another thing that I did not understand and when you have to pronounce''gibberish''. Then comes the climax. Cala and the giant screen appears with the same Osho usually woolen cap. A voice announces that speech is involved (as a Mass for the tracks of the Gospels). Start talking about American politics (Reagan mentions several times), then launches into virulent attacks against U.S. imperialism supported by the Christian church. Seasons speech with anecdotes and sometimes jokes. He speaks of the absurdity 'of city traffic, of people getting angry with the driver in front of him and that' standing in queue and does not understand that they are all in the same misfortune. I think its Roll Royces and I'm tempted to send him to hell and getting up. But I resist. He speaks off the cuff of different subjects, and 'a good speaker, and knows how to hold the attention' cause often makes jokes. You hear people laugh and laugh in the video also sanyasi. The joke ends with and with 'some' from the tavern. The usual story of horns, very macho. But that's okay. What does not have tolerated, indeed I even pissed off, are the absurd restrictions on mats''allowed''in the auditorium pyramid. Since I had not approved the pad (which can be bought with coupons in''Zorba''boutique, I think Zorba the greek), I took home a white sheet, but with drawings blacks. After making me search at the entrance, a super kapo ' sanyasi mi ha rispedito nello spogliatoio, perche' ''erano ammessi solo scialli e solo scialli bianchi''. Meno male poi che nella piramide ci sono delle sedie contro il muro al fondo in cui ''e' ammesso'' stare per chi non vuole sdraiarsi sul marmo tombale. Nota finale: dopo la meditazione, in abiti normali (dopo e' permesso) sono andata alla mensa insieme ai compagni sanyasi come al solito in silenzio - Per inciso, ho scoperto poi che restare in silenzio nell'ashram e' a volte parte del programma e che nella boutique Zorba si puo' comprare anche la relativa spilletta ''dont talk to me, I am in meditation -. Insomma il super kapo sanyasi, anche lui in ''borghese'' si stava fumando una sigaretta dietro un cespuglio, non so se quello Smoking was the corner, but he looked at me as if I had caught with his fingers in the cookie jar ....( end).
What is the test that I have AIDS?
The highlight of the day and by Osho 'is the late afternoon when the Osho Evening Meeting, an opportunity'''''unique experience''awareness''effortless, the essence of the experience of meditation ''(I quote more from the instruction book). The bonanima Osho himself said that''and 'a great opportunity' to enter into inner space. In this meeting, and you experience something that no one 'can give a definition. It 's the culmination of the entire day of work, meditation or groups.'' Honestly, I thought it was at this point that somehow came out the issue of sex. I knew - but to hear - that sex was one of the practices of philosophy oshiana. The reputation of the ashram was therefore a place where he gets''''at least among my male friends. The AIDS test mandatory in fact would believe these things. Why 'do not form the control for the bird flu? I admit that I had some expectations on the subject, I was really curious to see how (and whom) it was done. Clearly, sex therapy and 'reserved only for advanced courses,' cause in my program there was nothing like that. In fact, tell 'more', it decidedly difficult to button with a newcomer to attack someone. The sanyasi are not many words, especially if you do not know. But I think it is normal for any sect. I probably have the wrong season, now there's' little people, or maybe the meeting point and 'the jacuzzi near the pool, where I did not go,' cause I had not approved the custom burgundy.
the evening meditation, the music was definitely better. Much more 'rocking. There was a live band, very good, and strobe lights. The piramidone like a mega club, too bad but lacked 'the bar and sofas. More 'or less every 10 minutes, all OSHOOOOO shouted, his hands raised. When the music stops is screaming Osho again for three times in a row and then you lie. So There 'a session of relaxation, another thing that I did not understand and when you have to pronounce''gibberish''. Then comes the climax. Cala and the giant screen appears with the same Osho usually woolen cap. A voice announces that speech is involved (as a Mass for the tracks of the Gospels). Start talking about American politics (Reagan mentions several times), then launches into virulent attacks against U.S. imperialism supported by the Christian church. Seasons speech with anecdotes and sometimes jokes. He speaks of the absurdity 'of city traffic, of people getting angry with the driver in front of him and that' standing in queue and does not understand that they are all in the same misfortune. I think its Roll Royces and I'm tempted to send him to hell and getting up. But I resist. He speaks off the cuff of different subjects, and 'a good speaker, and knows how to hold the attention' cause often makes jokes. You hear people laugh and laugh in the video also sanyasi. The joke ends with and with 'some' from the tavern. The usual story of horns, very macho. But that's okay. What does not have tolerated, indeed I even pissed off, are the absurd restrictions on mats''allowed''in the auditorium pyramid. Since I had not approved the pad (which can be bought with coupons in''Zorba''boutique, I think Zorba the greek), I took home a white sheet, but with drawings blacks. After making me search at the entrance, a super kapo ' sanyasi mi ha rispedito nello spogliatoio, perche' ''erano ammessi solo scialli e solo scialli bianchi''. Meno male poi che nella piramide ci sono delle sedie contro il muro al fondo in cui ''e' ammesso'' stare per chi non vuole sdraiarsi sul marmo tombale. Nota finale: dopo la meditazione, in abiti normali (dopo e' permesso) sono andata alla mensa insieme ai compagni sanyasi come al solito in silenzio - Per inciso, ho scoperto poi che restare in silenzio nell'ashram e' a volte parte del programma e che nella boutique Zorba si puo' comprare anche la relativa spilletta ''dont talk to me, I am in meditation -. Insomma il super kapo sanyasi, anche lui in ''borghese'' si stava fumando una sigaretta dietro un cespuglio, non so se quello Smoking was the corner, but he looked at me as if I had caught with his fingers in the cookie jar ....( end).
Monday, August 2, 2010
How Old Is Wendy Calio Bio
OSHO / 2 Inside the pyramid of black marble
The afternoon program included several sessions of meditation by one hour. There was the''Silent Sitting Meditation,''I've ruled out immediately, and others that included activities 'more' motor, say. The''''Mahamundra Osho, for example, consisted of 30 minutes standing, 20 kneeling with his hands up and ten lie. The instructions said:''You're standing with eyes closed, keeping the body loose and relaxed: wait and cooperate. Suddenly feel a pulse - if the body and 'relaxed - the subtle energies will begin to move out of your control: this' Latithan.'' I thought this was a bit 'too advanced for my debut. I also discarded the Osho Mandala''''where''you have to run in place with knees more 'high as possible in 15 minutes''for''forgetting the body and mind.'' I do not know if I would have done so 'long. In short, in the end, a thousand hesitations, and a bit 'of anxiety I chose the''Meditation Osho Nataraj''which consisted of 40 minutes of dance''as if I owned,''20 minutes lying still and silent, and another 10 minutes of having to''celebrate''dancing.
The pyramid where you keep your meditations and 'in another area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance and the center of information. E 'of black marble, very gloomy, all around there is' a row of opaque glass, I do not think you can open. Little light, it's raining outside. Because the air-conditioned living room and 'cold as a tomb in Ognissanti. The floor, granite green (dark for an hour I'll try 'to remember the name but I can not) and' polished. A kapo 'sanyasi, with a white belt on the tunic burgundy ordina a un mio compagno di rimuovere una borsa di plastica da un davanzale della pseudofinestra. Ovviamente siamo a piedi nudi e io sono sprovvista di tappetino. Le istruzioni dicono che ‘’gli occhi rimangono chiusi per tutta la meditazione’’, ma io non ci riesco. Mentre inizia la musica, tipo new age, quella che mettono nelle sale di aspetto degli aeroporti, sbircio intorno. Siamo una ventina, di tutte le eta’. Le ragazze hanno tuniche attillate, sicuramente su misura, non come il sacco di patate della mia. Noto che c’e’ una certa ricercatezza. Decisamente si muovono meglio dei maschi. La mia vicina piroetta su se stessa, un’altra dietro corre seguendo un misterioso tracciato. Ho paura che ci si scontri visto that (in theory) we are looking. At first I did not really want to dance, then we take it taste a bit 'suppose to fly and then dive into the water, from which emerges a book and I jump in the sky. I like the idea. After a while, 'I'm sick. Checking his watch to see what is missing. Finally, click the gong and they all collapse on the cold floor. Since I was very tired and a little 'fever because of an abscess tooth, I think I fell asleep ... When I wake up sore and gong frozen. The last ten minutes of dancing are a little 'listless. At the end, everyone goes, in absolute silence, like automatons. But how? After sharing such a whirlwind of energy, even thanks,''and 'was good'', nothing. Some seemed very sad, more amorphous. Definitely not sociable. In two days of the ashram have not spoken to anyone ... The much-trumpeted
pool, which the friends I had spoken, and 'S-shaped, not very good for swimming, and' rather than to relax. But no one was there, maybe 'cause it was raining, I discovered that Pune is a lot more' cold in New Delhi. The entrance was not, however, 'included in the daily pass, but it was a part (150 rupees) and we wanted to buy the custom burgundy in Osho boutique, with its famous good. I rimunciato and I opted for a walk in the garden. Even knowing that the photos are prohibited by stealth I took a picture in a corner of the pool, with the fear of being surprised by kapo 'press office. I wish I'd at least have a picture of myself cured that way. I asked the security guard sanyasi (before entering the pyramid there is' a thorough body search) if I made a shot. The pictures are absolutely forbidden''''I replied dryly. But''I do not want it at the ashram, but myself ..''I replied. The same denial. After a couple of dirty looks from fellow sanyasi near I gave up and I left the table.
The afternoon program included several sessions of meditation by one hour. There was the''Silent Sitting Meditation,''I've ruled out immediately, and others that included activities 'more' motor, say. The''''Mahamundra Osho, for example, consisted of 30 minutes standing, 20 kneeling with his hands up and ten lie. The instructions said:''You're standing with eyes closed, keeping the body loose and relaxed: wait and cooperate. Suddenly feel a pulse - if the body and 'relaxed - the subtle energies will begin to move out of your control: this' Latithan.'' I thought this was a bit 'too advanced for my debut. I also discarded the Osho Mandala''''where''you have to run in place with knees more 'high as possible in 15 minutes''for''forgetting the body and mind.'' I do not know if I would have done so 'long. In short, in the end, a thousand hesitations, and a bit 'of anxiety I chose the''Meditation Osho Nataraj''which consisted of 40 minutes of dance''as if I owned,''20 minutes lying still and silent, and another 10 minutes of having to''celebrate''dancing.
The pyramid where you keep your meditations and 'in another area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance and the center of information. E 'of black marble, very gloomy, all around there is' a row of opaque glass, I do not think you can open. Little light, it's raining outside. Because the air-conditioned living room and 'cold as a tomb in Ognissanti. The floor, granite green (dark for an hour I'll try 'to remember the name but I can not) and' polished. A kapo 'sanyasi, with a white belt on the tunic burgundy ordina a un mio compagno di rimuovere una borsa di plastica da un davanzale della pseudofinestra. Ovviamente siamo a piedi nudi e io sono sprovvista di tappetino. Le istruzioni dicono che ‘’gli occhi rimangono chiusi per tutta la meditazione’’, ma io non ci riesco. Mentre inizia la musica, tipo new age, quella che mettono nelle sale di aspetto degli aeroporti, sbircio intorno. Siamo una ventina, di tutte le eta’. Le ragazze hanno tuniche attillate, sicuramente su misura, non come il sacco di patate della mia. Noto che c’e’ una certa ricercatezza. Decisamente si muovono meglio dei maschi. La mia vicina piroetta su se stessa, un’altra dietro corre seguendo un misterioso tracciato. Ho paura che ci si scontri visto that (in theory) we are looking. At first I did not really want to dance, then we take it taste a bit 'suppose to fly and then dive into the water, from which emerges a book and I jump in the sky. I like the idea. After a while, 'I'm sick. Checking his watch to see what is missing. Finally, click the gong and they all collapse on the cold floor. Since I was very tired and a little 'fever because of an abscess tooth, I think I fell asleep ... When I wake up sore and gong frozen. The last ten minutes of dancing are a little 'listless. At the end, everyone goes, in absolute silence, like automatons. But how? After sharing such a whirlwind of energy, even thanks,''and 'was good'', nothing. Some seemed very sad, more amorphous. Definitely not sociable. In two days of the ashram have not spoken to anyone ... The much-trumpeted
pool, which the friends I had spoken, and 'S-shaped, not very good for swimming, and' rather than to relax. But no one was there, maybe 'cause it was raining, I discovered that Pune is a lot more' cold in New Delhi. The entrance was not, however, 'included in the daily pass, but it was a part (150 rupees) and we wanted to buy the custom burgundy in Osho boutique, with its famous good. I rimunciato and I opted for a walk in the garden. Even knowing that the photos are prohibited by stealth I took a picture in a corner of the pool, with the fear of being surprised by kapo 'press office. I wish I'd at least have a picture of myself cured that way. I asked the security guard sanyasi (before entering the pyramid there is' a thorough body search) if I made a shot. The pictures are absolutely forbidden''''I replied dryly. But''I do not want it at the ashram, but myself ..''I replied. The same denial. After a couple of dirty looks from fellow sanyasi near I gave up and I left the table.
Orlano Gay Cruising Areas
Osho / 1 Pune, among fellow sanyasi
was a bit 'of time that I wanted to visit Osho's ashram in Pune. I finally found the time, but I came out quite disappointed and a little 'angry for what, in my opinion, has become a new age of business. A Las Vegas of meditation, with a hint of fascist intolerance. That I am absolutely incapable of perceiving dimensions beyond that of my body and my mind, 'well established. I was hugged by Amma in Kerala, I spent entire afternoons under the tree of Buddha in Bodhgaya temple and golf-ball-to-Auroville, without receiving even a glimmer of spirituality. But here the sensation and Osho 'was even unpleasant. Many sanyasi, whom I met, such as Dario (which has a restaurant near the entrance of the ashram) came here for a short time and remained there for years. After one day, I could not take it more '. It is the guide to this experience that, among other things, and I 'also cost a lot of money. I understand now why there are so few first-hand information on what happens inside ...
The only thing I knew when I arrived in Koregaon Park, Pune nell'inquinatissima green, and 'that the ashram had to wear a burgundy dress one day and white at night. When I saw the stalls on the sidewalk with the coats and then I realized that I was near the center is now called 'Osho Meditation Resort’. Trovare un posto da dormire nelle vicinanze non e’ stato facile. Dopo l’attentato alla German Bakery (ancora chiusa e con un muro sfondato dall’esplosione) mi hanno detto che ci sono stati controlli a tappeto e che quindi le guesthouse sono diventate clandestine. Io ho fermato una sanyasi (una discepola) che mi ha portato da una sua collega tedesca che lavora all’ashram e fa l’affittacamere. Prima mi ha detto che era ‘’tutto pieno’’, poi mi ha squadrato di nuovo, e mi ha detto che forse una stanza ce l’aveva…. Ha aperto l’appartamento di fianco e mi ha mostrato una camera, molto bella, con vista e un bagno grande. Insomma meglio di casa mia a Delhi. Prezzo 750 rupie, which is fine, but it is not your budget. Prepay, visa and passport photocopy orders given buckets, from Germany, although 'enlightened'.
Al 'Resort''are doing the work. The entrance is covered by scaffolding, hammers pnesumatici feel. You enter from the center that is welcoming to visitors. Employees-sanyasi in burgundy robes, greeted me with a smile, but then when they realized from my Indian visa that I was a journalist and that I was in Pakistan, have changed expression. They asked me to sit down while one guy went off with my passport to show it to whomever. Then I was asked to speak by phone with un’addetta stampa, che mi ha chiesto per ben tre volte, con tono non troppo amichevole, se ero lí per lavoro. ‘’No, non ti preoccupare, é una visita personale - ho ripetuto - ma se avete sconti per giornalisti li accetto ...oppure se mi fate pagare come gli indiani, visto che abito in India…’’. La battuta non é stata gradita. ‘Non facciamo sconti a nessuno e tu sei una straniera ’’ ha replicato seccamente la voce. La 'registration card' costa 1.550 rupie (per gli stranieri, 1.150 per i cittadini indiani) e comprende la ‘welcoming visit’ (che io ho perso perché sono arrivata 10 minuti in ritardo, manco ci fossero state le folle di visitatori, ero da sola..), il test dell’Aids e il day pass. La registrazione ha preso un po’ di tempo. Era da un bel po’ che non venivo così vivisezionata, addirittura hanno digitalizzato la mia firma. ‘Dopo la German Bakery…la sicurezza’’ mi hanno spiegato. Vero, non dimentichiamo che l’americano di origine pachistana David Hadley, che dicono essere uno degli ideatori dell’attentato di Mumbai, e’ venuto qui a fare una 'ricognizione', almeno cosí dicono. E non dimentichiamo che dicono pure che Osho ero uno della Cia (e anche avvelenato dalla Cia). Insomma c’é del losco, e io probabilmente con un passaporto pieno di visti pachistani appaio losca… Comunque adesso sanno tutto di me, anche who are not HIV positive.
AIDS test, in fact, I worried a bit 'and I was curious about. I thought a blood test. They took me to a storeroom where an Indian in a white coat opened a kit, I drilled the middle finger, has collected a drop of blood placed on a pad and broke it. I tried to read the brand on the envelope, but he with a quick gesture he threw it away. 'I just wanted to know what kind of kit was, I had never seen' I said apologetically. In response, the guy called the kapo-sanyasi, told him of my request and he threw me a dirty look. 'Now you go to buy good''Nazi-style ordered. Practically, qui al resort, come in tutti i resort, si paga anche l’aria che si respira: i buoni servono per comprare cibo, ingressi per la piscina, il costume obbligatorio bordeaux, i tappetini per la meditazione, ecc. Sono coupon da 100 rupie dove c’e’scritto ‘Contribution for Meditation Activities’. ‘Prendine per mille rupie, perché dovrai comprare le tuniche’’ mi dice il kapò. ‘Veramente la bordeaux ce l’ho gia…’’ replico timidamente e tiro fuori dalla borsa una palandrana comprata al mercato nero sul marciapiede per 200 rupie (meno 50 rupie che mi sono state rimborsate quando l’ho riportata indietro).
Con la tunica indosso e il day pass in tasca, At that point, they took me to the Information Centre where I found my house that works in Germany. But I had the feeling that it was not too happy to know his business to fellow sanyasi. I have read two pages of rules and given a instruction booklet in Italian for meditation classes that I have read in front of a chocolate croissant purchased at the Buddha Cafe 'sanyasi surrounded by office workers in coffee-break' and a hungry peacock I looked menacing. (Continued)
was a bit 'of time that I wanted to visit Osho's ashram in Pune. I finally found the time, but I came out quite disappointed and a little 'angry for what, in my opinion, has become a new age of business. A Las Vegas of meditation, with a hint of fascist intolerance. That I am absolutely incapable of perceiving dimensions beyond that of my body and my mind, 'well established. I was hugged by Amma in Kerala, I spent entire afternoons under the tree of Buddha in Bodhgaya temple and golf-ball-to-Auroville, without receiving even a glimmer of spirituality. But here the sensation and Osho 'was even unpleasant. Many sanyasi, whom I met, such as Dario (which has a restaurant near the entrance of the ashram) came here for a short time and remained there for years. After one day, I could not take it more '. It is the guide to this experience that, among other things, and I 'also cost a lot of money. I understand now why there are so few first-hand information on what happens inside ...
The only thing I knew when I arrived in Koregaon Park, Pune nell'inquinatissima green, and 'that the ashram had to wear a burgundy dress one day and white at night. When I saw the stalls on the sidewalk with the coats and then I realized that I was near the center is now called 'Osho Meditation Resort’. Trovare un posto da dormire nelle vicinanze non e’ stato facile. Dopo l’attentato alla German Bakery (ancora chiusa e con un muro sfondato dall’esplosione) mi hanno detto che ci sono stati controlli a tappeto e che quindi le guesthouse sono diventate clandestine. Io ho fermato una sanyasi (una discepola) che mi ha portato da una sua collega tedesca che lavora all’ashram e fa l’affittacamere. Prima mi ha detto che era ‘’tutto pieno’’, poi mi ha squadrato di nuovo, e mi ha detto che forse una stanza ce l’aveva…. Ha aperto l’appartamento di fianco e mi ha mostrato una camera, molto bella, con vista e un bagno grande. Insomma meglio di casa mia a Delhi. Prezzo 750 rupie, which is fine, but it is not your budget. Prepay, visa and passport photocopy orders given buckets, from Germany, although 'enlightened'.
Al 'Resort''are doing the work. The entrance is covered by scaffolding, hammers pnesumatici feel. You enter from the center that is welcoming to visitors. Employees-sanyasi in burgundy robes, greeted me with a smile, but then when they realized from my Indian visa that I was a journalist and that I was in Pakistan, have changed expression. They asked me to sit down while one guy went off with my passport to show it to whomever. Then I was asked to speak by phone with un’addetta stampa, che mi ha chiesto per ben tre volte, con tono non troppo amichevole, se ero lí per lavoro. ‘’No, non ti preoccupare, é una visita personale - ho ripetuto - ma se avete sconti per giornalisti li accetto ...oppure se mi fate pagare come gli indiani, visto che abito in India…’’. La battuta non é stata gradita. ‘Non facciamo sconti a nessuno e tu sei una straniera ’’ ha replicato seccamente la voce. La 'registration card' costa 1.550 rupie (per gli stranieri, 1.150 per i cittadini indiani) e comprende la ‘welcoming visit’ (che io ho perso perché sono arrivata 10 minuti in ritardo, manco ci fossero state le folle di visitatori, ero da sola..), il test dell’Aids e il day pass. La registrazione ha preso un po’ di tempo. Era da un bel po’ che non venivo così vivisezionata, addirittura hanno digitalizzato la mia firma. ‘Dopo la German Bakery…la sicurezza’’ mi hanno spiegato. Vero, non dimentichiamo che l’americano di origine pachistana David Hadley, che dicono essere uno degli ideatori dell’attentato di Mumbai, e’ venuto qui a fare una 'ricognizione', almeno cosí dicono. E non dimentichiamo che dicono pure che Osho ero uno della Cia (e anche avvelenato dalla Cia). Insomma c’é del losco, e io probabilmente con un passaporto pieno di visti pachistani appaio losca… Comunque adesso sanno tutto di me, anche who are not HIV positive.
AIDS test, in fact, I worried a bit 'and I was curious about. I thought a blood test. They took me to a storeroom where an Indian in a white coat opened a kit, I drilled the middle finger, has collected a drop of blood placed on a pad and broke it. I tried to read the brand on the envelope, but he with a quick gesture he threw it away. 'I just wanted to know what kind of kit was, I had never seen' I said apologetically. In response, the guy called the kapo-sanyasi, told him of my request and he threw me a dirty look. 'Now you go to buy good''Nazi-style ordered. Practically, qui al resort, come in tutti i resort, si paga anche l’aria che si respira: i buoni servono per comprare cibo, ingressi per la piscina, il costume obbligatorio bordeaux, i tappetini per la meditazione, ecc. Sono coupon da 100 rupie dove c’e’scritto ‘Contribution for Meditation Activities’. ‘Prendine per mille rupie, perché dovrai comprare le tuniche’’ mi dice il kapò. ‘Veramente la bordeaux ce l’ho gia…’’ replico timidamente e tiro fuori dalla borsa una palandrana comprata al mercato nero sul marciapiede per 200 rupie (meno 50 rupie che mi sono state rimborsate quando l’ho riportata indietro).
Con la tunica indosso e il day pass in tasca, At that point, they took me to the Information Centre where I found my house that works in Germany. But I had the feeling that it was not too happy to know his business to fellow sanyasi. I have read two pages of rules and given a instruction booklet in Italian for meditation classes that I have read in front of a chocolate croissant purchased at the Buddha Cafe 'sanyasi surrounded by office workers in coffee-break' and a hungry peacock I looked menacing. (Continued)
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