Sunday, June 27, 2010

Top Running Shirt Sayings

Championship Series

Dear friends, we organized
June 27 of that in the Championship Rustega Veneto 2nd series, which saw the race via 250 athletes from around the Triveneto.
The great day has favored the unfolding of the event which saw the race director at the helm Attilio Lamon with his staff of Cattaino, Danesin, Bevilacqua, Ongar, Pastrello, Marchetti, Gallo, Sorato and President Robert Vecchio. The excellent result
organization was also the result of the collaboration that exists between our proven organizational staff and friends of Massanzago with their president, Danilo Bortolato. At our event
then, had also arrived in force leaders dell'Udace Presidentissimo led by Antonio di Padova Facciolo.

friends and dell'Udace Bortolato Danilo
The race was sponsored mainly by the "Papillon Pizzeria" which was made available in addition to local entries also have a beautiful race director for the Smart.
awards race
At the command of the jury that the ubiquitous Andreose Joseph, with the help of his court Ruzzarin and Vice Chairman of the Tournament of Provinces, Luigi Pasqualotto, has clearly led the day racing .
unquenchable aid is also involved in the two inscriptions and Romina Silvia.

Andreose, Pasqualotto, Romina Silvia and

the clerk of Lamon Attilio

Herbalife Sponsors the friends of the staff of the Tournament of Provinces

President Provincial Udace Antonio Facciolo

The tender and assign the meshes of Veneto Campione was valid as proof of the Tournament of Provinces 2nd series, this event for some years in the breach.
This tournament has seen throughout its brief history, greatly increase the participation athletes from all over the Triveneto well Emilia and Lombardy.

the finish straight

The first race to be started was that of Supergentleman A and B which set off a spur and beat for a few laps they could not divide.
the departure of Supergentleman

athletes Pigozzi Minesso home before the start

passage of the Group of Supergentleman
At the sound of a bell group peeled off and the victory was arrival of a solitary athlete VC Cami Longo Marino. The shirt was a sample Veneto Foralosso Raffaele
the arrival of the winner Longo Marino
The victory went to the Venetian Supergentleman B Riolfo Happy knitting and sample the Veneto Verona Dino De Battisti

Dino De Battisti, Miss Romina, and Roberto Vecchione Foralossso Raffaele

winner Roberto Longo Marina Vecchia and Miss Romina
Order arrival Supergentleman A:
1) Longo Marino ASDVC Cami
2) Adriano Gallo Winery ASD Balan Ambrose
3) Foralosso Raffaele A.S.D. Le Terme
4) Pinton Amorino A.S.D. Sossano
5) Chinellato Bruno A.S.D. Marcon
Ordine d'arrivo Supergentleman B:
1) Riolfo Felice A.S.D. Cazzago
2) De Battisti Dino A.S.D. Team Strazzer
3) Bazzan Nereo A.S.D. Nuova Arka
4) Marchetti Giuseppe A.S.D. Castelfranco
5) Baldon Gianni A.S.D. Blubike

Era poi la volta delle categorie Veterani e Gentleman . Al via oltre 100 atleti che si davano battaglia fin dalle prime tornate a oltre 45 km/h di media.
Questa alta velocità non permetteva a nessuno di evadere, quindi volatone final victory of the athlete Alessio Maurizio Treviso and Padua for Veterans Tasinato Lucio for Gentleman.

passage of the Veterans and Gentleman

the final sprint
Order arrival Veterans:
1) Alessio Maurice ASD Racing Team Mem
2) Andrea Toderini ASDVC Two Torri
3) Peter Minchillo ASD Nas Designer
4) Scaled Manrico ASD Cycles Bassan
5) Braga Mirco ASDGF Pinarello
Order arrival Gentleman:
1) Tasinato Lucio ASD Paggin Cycles Bilato
2) Fabrizio Bunch ASDSEufemia
3) Claudio Bonaldo ASDSEufemia
4) Alessandro Guiot ASD Team Lenox
5) Mazzuccato Antonio ASD Only Off Road

winner Veterans Alessio Maurizio

the winner with Miss Romina Gentleman Tasic, Old and regional coordinator
Udace Riccardo Del Ben

Last departure of the junior and senior cadets. Very nervous about this race of a thousand leaks and a thousand reunions. To fine a group detached itself and came chopped the finish line.
Victoria and mesh for the cadets to the Paduan Mirco Marin and the Junior Sabbadin Federico.
For senuior instead Vittoria Veneto and mesh Champion Alessandro Zonta for the joy of owner Bassan.
Sabbadin Federico, Alessandro Zonta, and the Marin Mirco coordinetore Regional Camposampiero Zanon Ben Mayor and the Councillor for Sport Bellotto

Cadet-Junior Order of arrival:
1) Federico Sabbadin ; ; A.S.D. Trebi Elisa
2) Rocco Emiliano                                        A.S.D. Garpel
3) Marin Mirco                                            A.S.D. Bikes Benato
4) Pistello Tobia                                          A.S.D. Garpel
5) Campaci Simone                                     ASD Mas Designer
Senior Order of arrival:
1) Alessandro Zonta ASD Cycles Bassan
2) Stefano Garbin A.S.D. Garpel
3) Ganci Francesco                                     A.S.D. Cicli Pengo
4) Franzoso Massimiliano                            A.S.D. Aliplast Zerotino
5) Giacobini Giorgio                                    A.S.D. G.F. Pinarello
Il trofeo a punti per le società andava alla società organizzatrice A.S.D. S.Eufemia-Calzature Bertoldo -D.G. Decorazioni- Azimut Consulenza .

The regional coordinator Udace Riccardo Del Ben and the Provincial Vice President Joseph Andreose dell'ASDSEufemia presented to the President, Robert Vecchio, a plaque commemorating the event by making him and all the his colleagues, congratulations for the election day.