Good Day 2011, the garbage of Shiva
Anno nuovo, grafica nuova per Indie
La bicicletta e' sempre stata una mia grande fonte di ispirazione. Sará che il cervello si ossigena meglio e il movimento rotatorio delle gambe favorisce la circolazione. La scorsa settimana, mentre pedalavo in salita verso una grotta-cascata di Shiva, vicino a Bundi, in Rajasthan, stavo pensando a dare una nuova veste grafica al mio blog Indie in coincidenza con il nuovo anno. Ed eccola qua. La data del 01-01-10,poi, mi sembra un grande inizio per un restyling.
Una volta raggiunta la cima della collinetta, e’ comparso un grande modern temple surrounded by all sorts of waste, a little 'gift shops and an ashram. Monkeys all around, green parrots with red head and a baba blind person who introduced me as the''Mahatma''and that was before a sacred fire, most likely after a long cilum.
The cave was in the bottom of a deep split momtagna. From a height of thirty feet coming down 'a small trickle of water and it fell on a Shiva Linga in large sprays. The waterfall formed a circular pool where pilgrims plunged. The place was bucolic if not torn soiled underwear and other clothing from abandoned. Two Brazilian gay tourists have shared with me the same disappointment.
Tornata a Bundi, alla sera vado a mangiare in una pizzeria che si chiama Tom e Jerry. Il primo e’ il proprietario e il secondo il suo cagnolino. Quando esprimo il disappunto per la sporcizia della cascata, Tom mi dice che la gente lascia appositamente la biancheria intima dopo il bagno sacro per ‘’disfarsi’’ delle malattie e delle sofferenze del corpo che hanno rivestito. Rimango di stucco. Chapeau a Shiva e compagni.
Ho la vaga impressione che da Cristoforo Colombo in poi, non abbiamo preso altro che cantonate sull'India.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What Does It Mean If A Tea Is A Zinger
Calogero and the proletarian revolution of Jaipur
Per andare a Jaipur, la ''citta’ rosa'' che sta diventano grigia per via del boom edilizio, ho viaggiato in prima classe. Purtroppo, non avendo prenotato in tempo il treno, ho trovato solo posto della ‘’executive’’, un salasso da 900 rupie, ma meritate. I sedili sono spaziosi, ti danno i quotidiani in inglese, cibo a volonta’, perfino le pagnottine calde e il gelato. Devo dire che le ferrovie indiane, eredita’degli inglesi, non sono poi cosi’ male, almeno per quanto riguarda i treni Shatabdi e Rajdhani. Il servizio e’ eccellente. Mi si puo’ obiettare che in Cina vanno gia’ a 450 all’ora, mentre qui per andare a Jaipur (258 km) sono pur sempre circa 5 ore. Ma per l’India vera, non quella dei rapporto di Goldman Sachs, secondo me e’ gia’una conquest.
my friend lives in Jaipur Dolcemascolo Calogero, a Sicilian goldsmith who works at the Gem Palace (the former jeweler of the Maharajas') and that comes from the school of Valencia. E 'for many years in India, but the country has a love-hate relationship, sometimes seems to send all fuck off, but other times you see him deliver a slap on the shoulder right and left. We were on a risk 'on the pedals and there was a small climb. He saw that the pedal effort, and 'down and we went on foot to the road and' round in plan. On Italian politics and 'ferratissimo, and' an old socialist way and almost always ready to get angry for crooks, mafia and so on should not be in Italy. Indeed, it seems that he never left Italy. I think spending hours on the Internet to read news and watch You Tube.
While I was a fish in the sea, something like a swordfish, I mentioned Giordano Bruno on lies in which 'holding humanity', made me feel the Socialist International made by 'Red Army, then the Marseillaise in a famous scene from the film Casablanca (where a 'even touched) and a series of songs of socialist anarchists' nineteenth century, which actually seem to be made today, like''The Song of criminals''(1891). Then I spoke of the Paris Commune. Two'' e'durata month, two months only! He yelled with a Sicilian accent as I served the fish never ate a plate cosi'squisito. And then looking out the window, where there were cyclists risk 'prices rise:''You will also see them here sooner or later they will rebel!''
If there will be in India' will start a revolution 'from Jaipur ...
Per andare a Jaipur, la ''citta’ rosa'' che sta diventano grigia per via del boom edilizio, ho viaggiato in prima classe. Purtroppo, non avendo prenotato in tempo il treno, ho trovato solo posto della ‘’executive’’, un salasso da 900 rupie, ma meritate. I sedili sono spaziosi, ti danno i quotidiani in inglese, cibo a volonta’, perfino le pagnottine calde e il gelato. Devo dire che le ferrovie indiane, eredita’degli inglesi, non sono poi cosi’ male, almeno per quanto riguarda i treni Shatabdi e Rajdhani. Il servizio e’ eccellente. Mi si puo’ obiettare che in Cina vanno gia’ a 450 all’ora, mentre qui per andare a Jaipur (258 km) sono pur sempre circa 5 ore. Ma per l’India vera, non quella dei rapporto di Goldman Sachs, secondo me e’ gia’una conquest.
my friend lives in Jaipur Dolcemascolo Calogero, a Sicilian goldsmith who works at the Gem Palace (the former jeweler of the Maharajas') and that comes from the school of Valencia. E 'for many years in India, but the country has a love-hate relationship, sometimes seems to send all fuck off, but other times you see him deliver a slap on the shoulder right and left. We were on a risk 'on the pedals and there was a small climb. He saw that the pedal effort, and 'down and we went on foot to the road and' round in plan. On Italian politics and 'ferratissimo, and' an old socialist way and almost always ready to get angry for crooks, mafia and so on should not be in Italy. Indeed, it seems that he never left Italy. I think spending hours on the Internet to read news and watch You Tube.
While I was a fish in the sea, something like a swordfish, I mentioned Giordano Bruno on lies in which 'holding humanity', made me feel the Socialist International made by 'Red Army, then the Marseillaise in a famous scene from the film Casablanca (where a 'even touched) and a series of songs of socialist anarchists' nineteenth century, which actually seem to be made today, like''The Song of criminals''(1891). Then I spoke of the Paris Commune. Two'' e'durata month, two months only! He yelled with a Sicilian accent as I served the fish never ate a plate cosi'squisito. And then looking out the window, where there were cyclists risk 'prices rise:''You will also see them here sooner or later they will rebel!''
If there will be in India' will start a revolution 'from Jaipur ...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Denise Milani Por Fin Al Desnudo
Cari amici,
si è svolto ieri a S.Eufemia di Borgoricco il pranzo sociale di fine anno dell' A.S.D. S.Eufemia -Calzature Bertoldo- D.G. Decorazioni- Azimut Consulenza.
Erano presenti oltre 90 invitati, tutti gli atleti con le loro famiglie.La festa si è aperta con il saluto del Presidente Vecchiato Roberto il quale durante il pranzo ha consegnato un omaggio a tutti gli atleti che come da buona usanza consisteva useful in equipment, a pair of shoe covers and a pair of winter gloves.
were called to the stage all the athletes category by category. Many tops were in fact won this year won the following titles:
Championship Series Supergentleman Veneto 1 ^ A won by Renato Minesso
Provincial Championship 1 ^ Debutantes series won by Stefano Volpato
Championship Triveneto 2 ^ Series B Supergentleman won by Luciano Basso
Provincial Championship 2nd series won by Gentleman Bonaldo Claudio
Jersey Tournament of Provinces 1st series Supergentleman A Borsato won by Fabio
Jersey Tournament of Provinces 2nd series Bunch won by Gentleman Fabrizio
Jersey Tour of the Riviera del Brenta Supergentleman A Borsato won by Fabio
Marathon Skating Championship won by Master Mumeni Ennio .
short vintage gold with over 25 wins and a second category of the 24 Hours of Feltre.
Amid dellla festival was presented a video in which he retraced the history of our team since its inception in 1976, when it was still called Minimarmo GS.
were also awarded all employees, the real soul and engine of our organizational team.
E 'with them and their specific job, that next year we have been given the organization of the European Championship Udace.
An exceptional commitment that we are going to deal with friends of the President of ASD Massanzago Trinox Bortolato Danilo.
For 2011, our team will greet Borsato that Fabio will be part of the new team formed by our sponsors Bertoldo Renzo. We make best wishes for the new and important victories.
The party then continued with the athletes who have won the President and his wife with two precious watches and bracelets two very beautiful, and a wall clock and a frame made of Murano glass. A thought most welcome and unexpected.
The evening ended with a floral tribute to the nice ladies and see you in February 13th, 2011 with the organization of the Winter Championship.
Cari amici,
si è svolto ieri a S.Eufemia di Borgoricco il pranzo sociale di fine anno dell' A.S.D. S.Eufemia -Calzature Bertoldo- D.G. Decorazioni- Azimut Consulenza.
were called to the stage all the athletes category by category. Many tops were in fact won this year won the following titles:
Championship Series Supergentleman Veneto 1 ^ A won by Renato Minesso
Provincial Championship 1 ^ Debutantes series won by Stefano Volpato
Championship Triveneto 2 ^ Series B Supergentleman won by Luciano Basso
Provincial Championship 2nd series won by Gentleman Bonaldo Claudio
Jersey Tournament of Provinces 1st series Supergentleman A Borsato won by Fabio
Jersey Tournament of Provinces 2nd series Bunch won by Gentleman Fabrizio
Jersey Tour of the Riviera del Brenta Supergentleman A Borsato won by Fabio
Marathon Skating Championship won by Master Mumeni Ennio .
short vintage gold with over 25 wins and a second category of the 24 Hours of Feltre.
Amid dellla festival was presented a video in which he retraced the history of our team since its inception in 1976, when it was still called Minimarmo GS.
were also awarded all employees, the real soul and engine of our organizational team.
E 'with them and their specific job, that next year we have been given the organization of the European Championship Udace.
An exceptional commitment that we are going to deal with friends of the President of ASD Massanzago Trinox Bortolato Danilo.
For 2011, our team will greet Borsato that Fabio will be part of the new team formed by our sponsors Bertoldo Renzo. We make best wishes for the new and important victories.
The party then continued with the athletes who have won the President and his wife with two precious watches and bracelets two very beautiful, and a wall clock and a frame made of Murano glass. A thought most welcome and unexpected.
The evening ended with a floral tribute to the nice ladies and see you in February 13th, 2011 with the organization of the Winter Championship.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Black And White Sheet Cake Design
Come fù per il Campionato Italiano 2^ serie divideremo le 8 gare delle relative categorie Udace in due giorni, uno con partenza ed arrivo a S.Eufemia di Borgoricco e uno con partenza ed arrivo a Massanzago.
Il circuito sarà quello del Campionato Italiano 2^ serie e si snoderà per circa 12,5 km nei comuni di Borgoricco e Massanzago, come si vede dalla cartina qui sotto.
Dear friends,
; sono a rendervi partecipi di una notizia sensazionale, assieme agli amici dell'A.S.D. Massanzago Trinox - Aba, ci è stata assegnata dal Comitato Nazionale, l'organizzazione del Campionato Europeo Udace 2011.
La manifestazione si svolgerà nei giorni 25 e 26 Giugno 2011. Come fù per il Campionato Italiano 2^ serie divideremo le 8 gare delle relative categorie Udace in due giorni, uno con partenza ed arrivo a S.Eufemia di Borgoricco e uno con partenza ed arrivo a Massanzago.
Il circuito sarà quello del Campionato Italiano 2^ serie e si snoderà per circa 12,5 km nei comuni di Borgoricco e Massanzago, come si vede dalla cartina qui sotto.
The organization of the event which will see us active in the early days of the year will be very challenging and I hope you all will help us to complete this big event. The European Championship 2011 will Udace sponsorship of common and Borgoricco Massanzago.
See you then to 25 and June 26 for two days of cycling we hope memorable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
What To Expect In A Sorority Initiation
Dear friends,
today to keep its shape during the winter, athletes rely to coaches, training tables, a maintenance diet, hours in the gym and so on.
Athletes dell'ASDSEufemia instead dusted off those old habits again, when winter was supposed to rest after a year of racing.
Dear friends,
today to keep its shape during the winter, athletes rely to coaches, training tables, a maintenance diet, hours in the gym and so on.
Athletes dell'ASDSEufemia instead dusted off those old habits again, when winter was supposed to rest after a year of racing.
Specifically Lucio Bevilacqua and I, we went to find our Minesso Renato and we found it together some of his colleagues, busy as an activity that you can see from the picture below, is stimulating, relaxing and invigorating.
; ; Minesso, hamlets and Grigoletto
; ; Borgato, Grigoletto e Bevilacqua
D'altra parte i frutti di questa "preparazione invernale " si sono visti quest'anno, infatti il nostro Minesso è Campione Veneto Supergentleman A ed ha messo nal suo carniere altre 3 vittorie.
Speriamo quindi che anche per il prossimo anno questa "preparazione " dia i suoi frutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
What Color Will Baby's Hair Be
Award Provinces Tournament 2010 World Champion
Cari amici,
Cari amici,
si è svolta venerdi 19 Novembre presso il ristorante "Napoleone" a Zeminiana di Massanzago , la premiazione finale del Torneo delle Province 2010.
La serata ha visto la presenza di 150 tra atleti premiati, simpatizzanti e ospiti d'onore.
Tra questi in prima fila gli sponsor principali della manifestazione Andretta Marco e Simone della MEM Abbigliamento sportivo. Ci hanno inoltre onorato della loro presenza anche il Presidente provinciale di padova Antonio faccioloe il suo vice Giuseppe Andreose, il Presidente Provinciale di Venezia Emanuele Mazzarotto, il rappresentante del Comitato di Treviso, Vacillotto ed il Coordinatore Regionale Riccardo Del Ben. La serata è cominciata con il saluto del Presidente del Torneo Sergio Malinpensa che ha ringraziato ospiti ed atleti . Poi ha preso le redini della serata il Vice Presidente e speaker Luigi Pasqualotto che ha dato inizio alla premiazione.
Per la 1^ serie hanno indossato le maglie di vincitori Zanetti Igor, Tosello Sandro, Agostini Gianmarco,Maracani Alfio, il nostro Borsato Fabio , Malvestio Renato e Margherita Seno. Premiato anche Carlesso Renzo vincitore assoluto della categoria Supergentleman A pur non facente parte ad una squadra iscritta.
I vincitori della 1^ serie
Borsato winner Fabio Supergentleman A
Minesso Renato third place Supergentleman A
The Trophy of the 1st series was won by VC 2 Torri Gammafrutta Vigor.
The awards are then continued with the 2nd series, where they wore vests cvapoclassifica Marin Mirco, Alessandro Zonta, Mauro Mason, our Bunch Fabrizio, Gianni Gallo Adrianoe Baldon.
good positions were also obtained from our Bonaldo Claudio, Stefano Pigot and Luciano Basso.
i vincitori della 2^ serie
Fabrizio Mazzetto vincitore categoria Gentleman
Bonlado Claudio secondo categoria Gentleman
Basso Luciano quarto categoria Supergentleman B
Il Trofeo a punti della 2^ serie è stato vinto dalla nostra squadra ed è stato ritirato dal nostro Vice Presidente Lamon Attilio, che ha ritirato anche il prosciutto crudo per la classifica di partecipazione.
Lamon Attilio con il Trofeo della 2^ serie
e con il prosciutto della classifica di partecipazione
Una menzione particolare per la Miss Martina che con la sua bravura e bellezza ha contribuito a far ben riuscire questa premiazione. Arrivederci al prossimo anno.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Laptop To Eyeclops Mini Projector
Mumeni Ennio
Cari amici,
è con immmensa gioia che pubblico questa news:
Cari amici,
è con immmensa gioia che pubblico questa news:
Sunday, October 28 our biker-skater has a degree in that to Imola, World Marathon Champion category Master.
After 42 km in the pouring rain, our athlete sbargliato the field of starters from around the world.
a moment of the race
the race after a fierce battle, he is with a sprint finish that saw the triumph of two Our Ennio.
the final sprint
Ennio Mumeni in rainbow jersey.
Now that he has reached the highest possibile results in the shoes, the sport that has repeatedly seen wearing jerseys tricolor and Europe, we are waiting on two wheels wishing to obtain the same results as with the shoes.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Yiff Furry Animations
Nepal , joys and pains of hiking DIY
over a year, Nepal has introduced a sort of''card''or hikers TIMS card, which is going to Tims Trekkers Information Management System. Well yes ', even the most in the digital age' elements of this world like walking in the mountains becomes quite complicated as well as expensive. The card costs $ 20 for the trekkers 'DIY', but drops to $ 10 for groups.
When I arrived in Kathmandu, the other setttimana, I could not believe that a country like Nepal, on the brink of bankruptcy and with huge political problems, had such a thought. I am reminded of India, where more than 600 million will soon have an identity card 'electronics, but are forced to defecate outdoors because they' have no toilets. The purpose of and Tims 'reasonable cause' is used to provide information about these visitors in a certain area disaster 'or an accident. Of course, then we need to see if anyone puts the data and photos on a computer connected to other computers. Which I doubt. Saro 'suspicious, but I feel more' a way of fleecing the poor further foreign hikers. Not explained, for example, because 'diplomats and residents in Nepal are excluded ... I still
I refused to buy a card that has permission to enter the park Annapurna (whose boundaries seem to grow in view of' eye with the arrival of tourist season). The result is' that the tourist office in Pokhara where I went to inquire for the''free''trekking I got the fish's face. After much insistence, a pretty girl with hair the Valerie showed me a list of localities '''free''in the valley, but nothing more'. No money, no camel, as they say. So I went to the''Royal''Trekking, said so 'because' the Prince Charles had in the eighties (there 'a photo Fish Tail Lodge hotel on the lake), but has since fallen into a mysterious oblivion. So much so that I could not find maps or directions. Every time I tried to ask a question the answer was: "$ 25 per day for driving''even before he opened his mouth.
Insomma e’ chiaro che la mafietta delle agenzie, tour operator, hotel. tassisti e negozi di equipaggiamento, mal sopporta chi va a camminare per i fatti suoi. E’ comprensibile. ‘’Questa povera gente vive solo di turismo, guardati intorno..cosa c’e’ d’altro in Nepal se non queste montagne’’ mi faceva notare un amico incontrato per caso in un internet café’. Vero. Spero solo che tutto questo denaro – Pokhara e’ strapiena di turisti adesso – vada a buon fine, ovvero per la natura e la conservazione dell’Annapurna.
Per quanto riguarda il Royal Trekking (detto anche Annapurna Skyline), in parte e’ stato asfaltato, e quindi We passed the bus every half hour. The second part, and 'yet, thank goodness (my, but not of population) virgin. The 'DIY' and 'all in all was fun. Without a map, signs and guides, and 'was an adventure in the truest sense of the word. In three days I did not encounter any other hikers, only farmers with huge bundles of grass on his back, shepherds with their flocks of goats, hordes of children who asked me''sweets''and guys who built the huge swings and as' the tradition festival of Dashain (Dusseira as it is called in India). After I lost, one evening, I ended up in a village, Shyaklung, which seemed out of the brush by Claude Monet it was so perfect with thatched huts, tanks for rainwater harvesting, kids, a family of ducklings, the buffalo in the stable. And everywhere flowers, butterflies, orange groves and banana plantations. A family of a former soldier of the Indian Army with a child in Japan and one in Dubai, I rented a room on the floor of his house where there were stone grinders with fresh traces of flour. The whole house seemed to be built specifically for a museum of ethnography on rural life. The kitchen with a fireplace in a corner on the ground, to make butter tubs and other tools that I think are worth a fortune to us. A toilet outside in the garden, no sink or shower. Also because ' there is no 'running water. This is going to take with buckets at the fountain in the village. Instead of the floor mats are. Although there 'electricity and' the sun to mark the day.
At 19.30 I was already 'hard on the bed in complete darkness' and when' surreal thing happened. The loud disco music came from a hut in the valley. It 'been going on for half an hour interrupted by a male voice who played at being a deejay. The next morning the head of the family told me it was the''bachelor''of the country which had recently bought a stereo with karaoke. ...
over a year, Nepal has introduced a sort of''card''or hikers TIMS card, which is going to Tims Trekkers Information Management System. Well yes ', even the most in the digital age' elements of this world like walking in the mountains becomes quite complicated as well as expensive. The card costs $ 20 for the trekkers 'DIY', but drops to $ 10 for groups.
When I arrived in Kathmandu, the other setttimana, I could not believe that a country like Nepal, on the brink of bankruptcy and with huge political problems, had such a thought. I am reminded of India, where more than 600 million will soon have an identity card 'electronics, but are forced to defecate outdoors because they' have no toilets. The purpose of and Tims 'reasonable cause' is used to provide information about these visitors in a certain area disaster 'or an accident. Of course, then we need to see if anyone puts the data and photos on a computer connected to other computers. Which I doubt. Saro 'suspicious, but I feel more' a way of fleecing the poor further foreign hikers. Not explained, for example, because 'diplomats and residents in Nepal are excluded ... I still
I refused to buy a card that has permission to enter the park Annapurna (whose boundaries seem to grow in view of' eye with the arrival of tourist season). The result is' that the tourist office in Pokhara where I went to inquire for the''free''trekking I got the fish's face. After much insistence, a pretty girl with hair the Valerie showed me a list of localities '''free''in the valley, but nothing more'. No money, no camel, as they say. So I went to the''Royal''Trekking, said so 'because' the Prince Charles had in the eighties (there 'a photo Fish Tail Lodge hotel on the lake), but has since fallen into a mysterious oblivion. So much so that I could not find maps or directions. Every time I tried to ask a question the answer was: "$ 25 per day for driving''even before he opened his mouth.
Insomma e’ chiaro che la mafietta delle agenzie, tour operator, hotel. tassisti e negozi di equipaggiamento, mal sopporta chi va a camminare per i fatti suoi. E’ comprensibile. ‘’Questa povera gente vive solo di turismo, guardati intorno..cosa c’e’ d’altro in Nepal se non queste montagne’’ mi faceva notare un amico incontrato per caso in un internet café’. Vero. Spero solo che tutto questo denaro – Pokhara e’ strapiena di turisti adesso – vada a buon fine, ovvero per la natura e la conservazione dell’Annapurna.
Per quanto riguarda il Royal Trekking (detto anche Annapurna Skyline), in parte e’ stato asfaltato, e quindi We passed the bus every half hour. The second part, and 'yet, thank goodness (my, but not of population) virgin. The 'DIY' and 'all in all was fun. Without a map, signs and guides, and 'was an adventure in the truest sense of the word. In three days I did not encounter any other hikers, only farmers with huge bundles of grass on his back, shepherds with their flocks of goats, hordes of children who asked me''sweets''and guys who built the huge swings and as' the tradition festival of Dashain (Dusseira as it is called in India). After I lost, one evening, I ended up in a village, Shyaklung, which seemed out of the brush by Claude Monet it was so perfect with thatched huts, tanks for rainwater harvesting, kids, a family of ducklings, the buffalo in the stable. And everywhere flowers, butterflies, orange groves and banana plantations. A family of a former soldier of the Indian Army with a child in Japan and one in Dubai, I rented a room on the floor of his house where there were stone grinders with fresh traces of flour. The whole house seemed to be built specifically for a museum of ethnography on rural life. The kitchen with a fireplace in a corner on the ground, to make butter tubs and other tools that I think are worth a fortune to us. A toilet outside in the garden, no sink or shower. Also because ' there is no 'running water. This is going to take with buckets at the fountain in the village. Instead of the floor mats are. Although there 'electricity and' the sun to mark the day.
At 19.30 I was already 'hard on the bed in complete darkness' and when' surreal thing happened. The loud disco music came from a hut in the valley. It 'been going on for half an hour interrupted by a male voice who played at being a deejay. The next morning the head of the family told me it was the''bachelor''of the country which had recently bought a stereo with karaoke. ...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Unit 4 Vocab Sadlier-oxford Level E Answers
Calcutta, snacks trunk next to Mother Teresa
In August I went in Calcutta for the centenary of Mother Teresa, an event that has had much piu'eco in the world in India. Close to the Mother House, where the front door and c'e'ancora 'mother was a statement''in'', and' appeared a store of holy cards, I think the 'only one where you can buy souvenirs of the blessed nun Albanian .
But not to attract my attention were not the statues of the Mother, but the next window, particularly a leaflet advertising a chocolate croissant and the trunks of the cherry. I rush in as if I was seized with a sudden inspiration of God and ask to see the croissants. I do not remember, but the package I felt like that in Italy, behind only that it was written that was manufactured by Dream Bake Private Limited, in Howrah, in Kolkata,''under license, technical know-how and exclusive recipe from Trunks, Spa, Verona, Italy .
buy one chocolate (30 rupees) and go out furtively, as if I had bought some radioactive cobalt. On the sidewalk in the swallowed two bites. E 'fresh and good. Return and filled my bag, then do not display well photographer happy.
The incident is connected to several years ago when in front of the Meridian hotel in Delhi by chance I met Mr. Alberto Trunks, the patron of panettone, who had come to explore the market and so it was straight out of one of conferenze dedicate a illustrare le opportunita’ dell’ India. Mi chiese se abitavo a Delhi e poi , con l ‘aria di chi non aveva ancora afferrato qualcosa, mi domando’ serio: ‘’ma diciamo, se io volessi portare le mie merendine, dove e’che si vendono?’’. Allora non erano ancora arrivati gli shopping mall e quindi gli risposi che non c‘erano supermercati, che sapessi solo uno, lo storico Modern Bazar a Vasant Lokh.
Non so poi che fine abbia fatto e se mai abbia concluso qualcosa. Magari le merendine di Calcutta sono contraffatte, oppure qualche missionaria di Madre Teresa ha fatto qualche business con la famosa industria dolciaria di Verona. Le cerco ancora, ma non le ho mai piu’trovate.
In August I went in Calcutta for the centenary of Mother Teresa, an event that has had much piu'eco in the world in India. Close to the Mother House, where the front door and c'e'ancora 'mother was a statement''in'', and' appeared a store of holy cards, I think the 'only one where you can buy souvenirs of the blessed nun Albanian .
But not to attract my attention were not the statues of the Mother, but the next window, particularly a leaflet advertising a chocolate croissant and the trunks of the cherry. I rush in as if I was seized with a sudden inspiration of God and ask to see the croissants. I do not remember, but the package I felt like that in Italy, behind only that it was written that was manufactured by Dream Bake Private Limited, in Howrah, in Kolkata,''under license, technical know-how and exclusive recipe from Trunks, Spa, Verona, Italy .
buy one chocolate (30 rupees) and go out furtively, as if I had bought some radioactive cobalt. On the sidewalk in the swallowed two bites. E 'fresh and good. Return and filled my bag, then do not display well photographer happy.
The incident is connected to several years ago when in front of the Meridian hotel in Delhi by chance I met Mr. Alberto Trunks, the patron of panettone, who had come to explore the market and so it was straight out of one of conferenze dedicate a illustrare le opportunita’ dell’ India. Mi chiese se abitavo a Delhi e poi , con l ‘aria di chi non aveva ancora afferrato qualcosa, mi domando’ serio: ‘’ma diciamo, se io volessi portare le mie merendine, dove e’che si vendono?’’. Allora non erano ancora arrivati gli shopping mall e quindi gli risposi che non c‘erano supermercati, che sapessi solo uno, lo storico Modern Bazar a Vasant Lokh.
Non so poi che fine abbia fatto e se mai abbia concluso qualcosa. Magari le merendine di Calcutta sono contraffatte, oppure qualche missionaria di Madre Teresa ha fatto qualche business con la famosa industria dolciaria di Verona. Le cerco ancora, ma non le ho mai piu’trovate.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
How To Know That The Scorpio Man Likes Me
Commonwealth Games, India won the shooting
Siccome a me piace fare la bastian contraria ho deciso di non unirmi al coro di chi spara a zero sui Giochi del Commonwealth che inizieranno il 3 ottobre a New Delhi. Da diverse settimane la stampa e la televisione indiana (e ora anche quella anglosassone) non fa altro che parlare di corruzione, impianti costruiti male o in ritardo, larve di zanzare infette dalla dengue, bagni pieni di escrementi e cani randagi che dormoni sui letti destinati agli atleti. Ogni giorno c’e’ qualcosa che non va. Il che e’ vero, certo, pero’ secondo me si esagera con il tiro al bersaglio. La tigre Sheera, la mascotte, viene immancabilmente raffigurata piena di cerotti oppure con un badile in mano. I giornali oggi parlavano di ‘’Giochi della vergogna’’. Oggi sono andata a vedere la passerella crollata ieri e ho scoperto che in realta’ l’intero parcheggio dello stadio Jawaharlal Nehru e’ ancora devastato dai lavori (vedi foto s sinistra). Gli stranieri sghignazzano solo a sentire parlare di stadi ‘’world class’’ che poi perdono i pezzi come e’ successo oggi al palazzetto del sollevamento pesi. Tra le minacce di attentati terroristici, la dengue e febbre suina, le passerelle pedonali che crollano e la sicurezza che fa acqua (non solo per il monsone che continua indefesso ad allagare la citta’), sembra ormai che solo un miracolo possa salvare i Giochi. Gli alberghi sono deserti, diversi campioni hanno dato forfait e la gente di Delhi, quella che se lo puo’ permettere, che se ne andra’ in vacanza nella settimana delle gare per evitare il caos nelle strade. Manco la regina Elisabetta viene a inaugurare l’evento.
Una cosa del genere in Cina non sarebbe mai avvenuta. Non mi si venga a dire che i cinesi sono svizzeri o tedeschi nella puntualita’ o organizzazione. E’ solo che non hanno una stampa libera e che non si ‘’usa’’ criticare i governanti. Nessuno avrebbe mai osato minimamente dire qualcosa contro le olimpiadi di Pechino del 2008. Non c’ero, ma e’ stato davvero tutto perfetto oppure semplicemente non c’erano giornalisti to document the tiles falling?
Siccome a me piace fare la bastian contraria ho deciso di non unirmi al coro di chi spara a zero sui Giochi del Commonwealth che inizieranno il 3 ottobre a New Delhi. Da diverse settimane la stampa e la televisione indiana (e ora anche quella anglosassone) non fa altro che parlare di corruzione, impianti costruiti male o in ritardo, larve di zanzare infette dalla dengue, bagni pieni di escrementi e cani randagi che dormoni sui letti destinati agli atleti. Ogni giorno c’e’ qualcosa che non va. Il che e’ vero, certo, pero’ secondo me si esagera con il tiro al bersaglio. La tigre Sheera, la mascotte, viene immancabilmente raffigurata piena di cerotti oppure con un badile in mano. I giornali oggi parlavano di ‘’Giochi della vergogna’’. Oggi sono andata a vedere la passerella crollata ieri e ho scoperto che in realta’ l’intero parcheggio dello stadio Jawaharlal Nehru e’ ancora devastato dai lavori (vedi foto s sinistra). Gli stranieri sghignazzano solo a sentire parlare di stadi ‘’world class’’ che poi perdono i pezzi come e’ successo oggi al palazzetto del sollevamento pesi. Tra le minacce di attentati terroristici, la dengue e febbre suina, le passerelle pedonali che crollano e la sicurezza che fa acqua (non solo per il monsone che continua indefesso ad allagare la citta’), sembra ormai che solo un miracolo possa salvare i Giochi. Gli alberghi sono deserti, diversi campioni hanno dato forfait e la gente di Delhi, quella che se lo puo’ permettere, che se ne andra’ in vacanza nella settimana delle gare per evitare il caos nelle strade. Manco la regina Elisabetta viene a inaugurare l’evento.
Una cosa del genere in Cina non sarebbe mai avvenuta. Non mi si venga a dire che i cinesi sono svizzeri o tedeschi nella puntualita’ o organizzazione. E’ solo che non hanno una stampa libera e che non si ‘’usa’’ criticare i governanti. Nessuno avrebbe mai osato minimamente dire qualcosa contro le olimpiadi di Pechino del 2008. Non c’ero, ma e’ stato davvero tutto perfetto oppure semplicemente non c’erano giornalisti to document the tiles falling?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
How Can Irepair The Aux Jack On My Car Stereo
That 's it, I caught dengue fever
Like many, even among my own people, this year I caught dengue fever. It seems to be a worldwide scourge, I honestly I had never heard before coming to India. And even here, despite warnings, they are always caring about me. While I was feverish, I desperately tried to climb the infamous mosquito that transmitted the infection to me. Boh. The incubation and 'from 4 to 10 days, they say. In Calcutta, where I was a week before? Among stocks of Reliance Fresh rotten fruit at the supermarket? One evening in a garden of a wealthy diplomat considered the epicenter of the neighborhood of dengue in Delhi (who knows' that us inside the embassies ...)? Or maybe in front of all'aquitrino Nehru Park where once I stopped doing the stretching? Boh. This year 'state record for the monsoons, floods in Pakistan and I see the wardrobe that reeks of mold as not the case for years. The disease, ten days, and 'Way of the Cross was a daily obsession with the verdict of platelets that arrive after 19 with the results of blood test in the morning. The last special effect''and''It was a 'nightmare itchy hives on the palms of the hands, as if someone had pinched one thousand mosquitoes and dengue incredible ... incredible India.
Like many, even among my own people, this year I caught dengue fever. It seems to be a worldwide scourge, I honestly I had never heard before coming to India. And even here, despite warnings, they are always caring about me. While I was feverish, I desperately tried to climb the infamous mosquito that transmitted the infection to me. Boh. The incubation and 'from 4 to 10 days, they say. In Calcutta, where I was a week before? Among stocks of Reliance Fresh rotten fruit at the supermarket? One evening in a garden of a wealthy diplomat considered the epicenter of the neighborhood of dengue in Delhi (who knows' that us inside the embassies ...)? Or maybe in front of all'aquitrino Nehru Park where once I stopped doing the stretching? Boh. This year 'state record for the monsoons, floods in Pakistan and I see the wardrobe that reeks of mold as not the case for years. The disease, ten days, and 'Way of the Cross was a daily obsession with the verdict of platelets that arrive after 19 with the results of blood test in the morning. The last special effect''and''It was a 'nightmare itchy hives on the palms of the hands, as if someone had pinched one thousand mosquitoes and dengue incredible ... incredible India.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What Does A Hymen Look Like Before It's Broken
OSHO / 3 In the evening there' the mega drive, but no alcohol and sex
What is the test that I have AIDS?
The highlight of the day and by Osho 'is the late afternoon when the Osho Evening Meeting, an opportunity'''''unique experience''awareness''effortless, the essence of the experience of meditation ''(I quote more from the instruction book). The bonanima Osho himself said that''and 'a great opportunity' to enter into inner space. In this meeting, and you experience something that no one 'can give a definition. It 's the culmination of the entire day of work, meditation or groups.'' Honestly, I thought it was at this point that somehow came out the issue of sex. I knew - but to hear - that sex was one of the practices of philosophy oshiana. The reputation of the ashram was therefore a place where he gets''''at least among my male friends. The AIDS test mandatory in fact would believe these things. Why 'do not form the control for the bird flu? I admit that I had some expectations on the subject, I was really curious to see how (and whom) it was done. Clearly, sex therapy and 'reserved only for advanced courses,' cause in my program there was nothing like that. In fact, tell 'more', it decidedly difficult to button with a newcomer to attack someone. The sanyasi are not many words, especially if you do not know. But I think it is normal for any sect. I probably have the wrong season, now there's' little people, or maybe the meeting point and 'the jacuzzi near the pool, where I did not go,' cause I had not approved the custom burgundy.
the evening meditation, the music was definitely better. Much more 'rocking. There was a live band, very good, and strobe lights. The piramidone like a mega club, too bad but lacked 'the bar and sofas. More 'or less every 10 minutes, all OSHOOOOO shouted, his hands raised. When the music stops is screaming Osho again for three times in a row and then you lie. So There 'a session of relaxation, another thing that I did not understand and when you have to pronounce''gibberish''. Then comes the climax. Cala and the giant screen appears with the same Osho usually woolen cap. A voice announces that speech is involved (as a Mass for the tracks of the Gospels). Start talking about American politics (Reagan mentions several times), then launches into virulent attacks against U.S. imperialism supported by the Christian church. Seasons speech with anecdotes and sometimes jokes. He speaks of the absurdity 'of city traffic, of people getting angry with the driver in front of him and that' standing in queue and does not understand that they are all in the same misfortune. I think its Roll Royces and I'm tempted to send him to hell and getting up. But I resist. He speaks off the cuff of different subjects, and 'a good speaker, and knows how to hold the attention' cause often makes jokes. You hear people laugh and laugh in the video also sanyasi. The joke ends with and with 'some' from the tavern. The usual story of horns, very macho. But that's okay. What does not have tolerated, indeed I even pissed off, are the absurd restrictions on mats''allowed''in the auditorium pyramid. Since I had not approved the pad (which can be bought with coupons in''Zorba''boutique, I think Zorba the greek), I took home a white sheet, but with drawings blacks. After making me search at the entrance, a super kapo ' sanyasi mi ha rispedito nello spogliatoio, perche' ''erano ammessi solo scialli e solo scialli bianchi''. Meno male poi che nella piramide ci sono delle sedie contro il muro al fondo in cui ''e' ammesso'' stare per chi non vuole sdraiarsi sul marmo tombale. Nota finale: dopo la meditazione, in abiti normali (dopo e' permesso) sono andata alla mensa insieme ai compagni sanyasi come al solito in silenzio - Per inciso, ho scoperto poi che restare in silenzio nell'ashram e' a volte parte del programma e che nella boutique Zorba si puo' comprare anche la relativa spilletta ''dont talk to me, I am in meditation -. Insomma il super kapo sanyasi, anche lui in ''borghese'' si stava fumando una sigaretta dietro un cespuglio, non so se quello Smoking was the corner, but he looked at me as if I had caught with his fingers in the cookie jar ....( end).
What is the test that I have AIDS?
The highlight of the day and by Osho 'is the late afternoon when the Osho Evening Meeting, an opportunity'''''unique experience''awareness''effortless, the essence of the experience of meditation ''(I quote more from the instruction book). The bonanima Osho himself said that''and 'a great opportunity' to enter into inner space. In this meeting, and you experience something that no one 'can give a definition. It 's the culmination of the entire day of work, meditation or groups.'' Honestly, I thought it was at this point that somehow came out the issue of sex. I knew - but to hear - that sex was one of the practices of philosophy oshiana. The reputation of the ashram was therefore a place where he gets''''at least among my male friends. The AIDS test mandatory in fact would believe these things. Why 'do not form the control for the bird flu? I admit that I had some expectations on the subject, I was really curious to see how (and whom) it was done. Clearly, sex therapy and 'reserved only for advanced courses,' cause in my program there was nothing like that. In fact, tell 'more', it decidedly difficult to button with a newcomer to attack someone. The sanyasi are not many words, especially if you do not know. But I think it is normal for any sect. I probably have the wrong season, now there's' little people, or maybe the meeting point and 'the jacuzzi near the pool, where I did not go,' cause I had not approved the custom burgundy.
the evening meditation, the music was definitely better. Much more 'rocking. There was a live band, very good, and strobe lights. The piramidone like a mega club, too bad but lacked 'the bar and sofas. More 'or less every 10 minutes, all OSHOOOOO shouted, his hands raised. When the music stops is screaming Osho again for three times in a row and then you lie. So There 'a session of relaxation, another thing that I did not understand and when you have to pronounce''gibberish''. Then comes the climax. Cala and the giant screen appears with the same Osho usually woolen cap. A voice announces that speech is involved (as a Mass for the tracks of the Gospels). Start talking about American politics (Reagan mentions several times), then launches into virulent attacks against U.S. imperialism supported by the Christian church. Seasons speech with anecdotes and sometimes jokes. He speaks of the absurdity 'of city traffic, of people getting angry with the driver in front of him and that' standing in queue and does not understand that they are all in the same misfortune. I think its Roll Royces and I'm tempted to send him to hell and getting up. But I resist. He speaks off the cuff of different subjects, and 'a good speaker, and knows how to hold the attention' cause often makes jokes. You hear people laugh and laugh in the video also sanyasi. The joke ends with and with 'some' from the tavern. The usual story of horns, very macho. But that's okay. What does not have tolerated, indeed I even pissed off, are the absurd restrictions on mats''allowed''in the auditorium pyramid. Since I had not approved the pad (which can be bought with coupons in''Zorba''boutique, I think Zorba the greek), I took home a white sheet, but with drawings blacks. After making me search at the entrance, a super kapo ' sanyasi mi ha rispedito nello spogliatoio, perche' ''erano ammessi solo scialli e solo scialli bianchi''. Meno male poi che nella piramide ci sono delle sedie contro il muro al fondo in cui ''e' ammesso'' stare per chi non vuole sdraiarsi sul marmo tombale. Nota finale: dopo la meditazione, in abiti normali (dopo e' permesso) sono andata alla mensa insieme ai compagni sanyasi come al solito in silenzio - Per inciso, ho scoperto poi che restare in silenzio nell'ashram e' a volte parte del programma e che nella boutique Zorba si puo' comprare anche la relativa spilletta ''dont talk to me, I am in meditation -. Insomma il super kapo sanyasi, anche lui in ''borghese'' si stava fumando una sigaretta dietro un cespuglio, non so se quello Smoking was the corner, but he looked at me as if I had caught with his fingers in the cookie jar ....( end).
Monday, August 2, 2010
How Old Is Wendy Calio Bio
OSHO / 2 Inside the pyramid of black marble
The afternoon program included several sessions of meditation by one hour. There was the''Silent Sitting Meditation,''I've ruled out immediately, and others that included activities 'more' motor, say. The''''Mahamundra Osho, for example, consisted of 30 minutes standing, 20 kneeling with his hands up and ten lie. The instructions said:''You're standing with eyes closed, keeping the body loose and relaxed: wait and cooperate. Suddenly feel a pulse - if the body and 'relaxed - the subtle energies will begin to move out of your control: this' Latithan.'' I thought this was a bit 'too advanced for my debut. I also discarded the Osho Mandala''''where''you have to run in place with knees more 'high as possible in 15 minutes''for''forgetting the body and mind.'' I do not know if I would have done so 'long. In short, in the end, a thousand hesitations, and a bit 'of anxiety I chose the''Meditation Osho Nataraj''which consisted of 40 minutes of dance''as if I owned,''20 minutes lying still and silent, and another 10 minutes of having to''celebrate''dancing.
The pyramid where you keep your meditations and 'in another area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance and the center of information. E 'of black marble, very gloomy, all around there is' a row of opaque glass, I do not think you can open. Little light, it's raining outside. Because the air-conditioned living room and 'cold as a tomb in Ognissanti. The floor, granite green (dark for an hour I'll try 'to remember the name but I can not) and' polished. A kapo 'sanyasi, with a white belt on the tunic burgundy ordina a un mio compagno di rimuovere una borsa di plastica da un davanzale della pseudofinestra. Ovviamente siamo a piedi nudi e io sono sprovvista di tappetino. Le istruzioni dicono che ‘’gli occhi rimangono chiusi per tutta la meditazione’’, ma io non ci riesco. Mentre inizia la musica, tipo new age, quella che mettono nelle sale di aspetto degli aeroporti, sbircio intorno. Siamo una ventina, di tutte le eta’. Le ragazze hanno tuniche attillate, sicuramente su misura, non come il sacco di patate della mia. Noto che c’e’ una certa ricercatezza. Decisamente si muovono meglio dei maschi. La mia vicina piroetta su se stessa, un’altra dietro corre seguendo un misterioso tracciato. Ho paura che ci si scontri visto that (in theory) we are looking. At first I did not really want to dance, then we take it taste a bit 'suppose to fly and then dive into the water, from which emerges a book and I jump in the sky. I like the idea. After a while, 'I'm sick. Checking his watch to see what is missing. Finally, click the gong and they all collapse on the cold floor. Since I was very tired and a little 'fever because of an abscess tooth, I think I fell asleep ... When I wake up sore and gong frozen. The last ten minutes of dancing are a little 'listless. At the end, everyone goes, in absolute silence, like automatons. But how? After sharing such a whirlwind of energy, even thanks,''and 'was good'', nothing. Some seemed very sad, more amorphous. Definitely not sociable. In two days of the ashram have not spoken to anyone ... The much-trumpeted
pool, which the friends I had spoken, and 'S-shaped, not very good for swimming, and' rather than to relax. But no one was there, maybe 'cause it was raining, I discovered that Pune is a lot more' cold in New Delhi. The entrance was not, however, 'included in the daily pass, but it was a part (150 rupees) and we wanted to buy the custom burgundy in Osho boutique, with its famous good. I rimunciato and I opted for a walk in the garden. Even knowing that the photos are prohibited by stealth I took a picture in a corner of the pool, with the fear of being surprised by kapo 'press office. I wish I'd at least have a picture of myself cured that way. I asked the security guard sanyasi (before entering the pyramid there is' a thorough body search) if I made a shot. The pictures are absolutely forbidden''''I replied dryly. But''I do not want it at the ashram, but myself ..''I replied. The same denial. After a couple of dirty looks from fellow sanyasi near I gave up and I left the table.
The afternoon program included several sessions of meditation by one hour. There was the''Silent Sitting Meditation,''I've ruled out immediately, and others that included activities 'more' motor, say. The''''Mahamundra Osho, for example, consisted of 30 minutes standing, 20 kneeling with his hands up and ten lie. The instructions said:''You're standing with eyes closed, keeping the body loose and relaxed: wait and cooperate. Suddenly feel a pulse - if the body and 'relaxed - the subtle energies will begin to move out of your control: this' Latithan.'' I thought this was a bit 'too advanced for my debut. I also discarded the Osho Mandala''''where''you have to run in place with knees more 'high as possible in 15 minutes''for''forgetting the body and mind.'' I do not know if I would have done so 'long. In short, in the end, a thousand hesitations, and a bit 'of anxiety I chose the''Meditation Osho Nataraj''which consisted of 40 minutes of dance''as if I owned,''20 minutes lying still and silent, and another 10 minutes of having to''celebrate''dancing.
The pyramid where you keep your meditations and 'in another area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance and the center of information. E 'of black marble, very gloomy, all around there is' a row of opaque glass, I do not think you can open. Little light, it's raining outside. Because the air-conditioned living room and 'cold as a tomb in Ognissanti. The floor, granite green (dark for an hour I'll try 'to remember the name but I can not) and' polished. A kapo 'sanyasi, with a white belt on the tunic burgundy ordina a un mio compagno di rimuovere una borsa di plastica da un davanzale della pseudofinestra. Ovviamente siamo a piedi nudi e io sono sprovvista di tappetino. Le istruzioni dicono che ‘’gli occhi rimangono chiusi per tutta la meditazione’’, ma io non ci riesco. Mentre inizia la musica, tipo new age, quella che mettono nelle sale di aspetto degli aeroporti, sbircio intorno. Siamo una ventina, di tutte le eta’. Le ragazze hanno tuniche attillate, sicuramente su misura, non come il sacco di patate della mia. Noto che c’e’ una certa ricercatezza. Decisamente si muovono meglio dei maschi. La mia vicina piroetta su se stessa, un’altra dietro corre seguendo un misterioso tracciato. Ho paura che ci si scontri visto that (in theory) we are looking. At first I did not really want to dance, then we take it taste a bit 'suppose to fly and then dive into the water, from which emerges a book and I jump in the sky. I like the idea. After a while, 'I'm sick. Checking his watch to see what is missing. Finally, click the gong and they all collapse on the cold floor. Since I was very tired and a little 'fever because of an abscess tooth, I think I fell asleep ... When I wake up sore and gong frozen. The last ten minutes of dancing are a little 'listless. At the end, everyone goes, in absolute silence, like automatons. But how? After sharing such a whirlwind of energy, even thanks,''and 'was good'', nothing. Some seemed very sad, more amorphous. Definitely not sociable. In two days of the ashram have not spoken to anyone ... The much-trumpeted
pool, which the friends I had spoken, and 'S-shaped, not very good for swimming, and' rather than to relax. But no one was there, maybe 'cause it was raining, I discovered that Pune is a lot more' cold in New Delhi. The entrance was not, however, 'included in the daily pass, but it was a part (150 rupees) and we wanted to buy the custom burgundy in Osho boutique, with its famous good. I rimunciato and I opted for a walk in the garden. Even knowing that the photos are prohibited by stealth I took a picture in a corner of the pool, with the fear of being surprised by kapo 'press office. I wish I'd at least have a picture of myself cured that way. I asked the security guard sanyasi (before entering the pyramid there is' a thorough body search) if I made a shot. The pictures are absolutely forbidden''''I replied dryly. But''I do not want it at the ashram, but myself ..''I replied. The same denial. After a couple of dirty looks from fellow sanyasi near I gave up and I left the table.
Orlano Gay Cruising Areas
Osho / 1 Pune, among fellow sanyasi
was a bit 'of time that I wanted to visit Osho's ashram in Pune. I finally found the time, but I came out quite disappointed and a little 'angry for what, in my opinion, has become a new age of business. A Las Vegas of meditation, with a hint of fascist intolerance. That I am absolutely incapable of perceiving dimensions beyond that of my body and my mind, 'well established. I was hugged by Amma in Kerala, I spent entire afternoons under the tree of Buddha in Bodhgaya temple and golf-ball-to-Auroville, without receiving even a glimmer of spirituality. But here the sensation and Osho 'was even unpleasant. Many sanyasi, whom I met, such as Dario (which has a restaurant near the entrance of the ashram) came here for a short time and remained there for years. After one day, I could not take it more '. It is the guide to this experience that, among other things, and I 'also cost a lot of money. I understand now why there are so few first-hand information on what happens inside ...
The only thing I knew when I arrived in Koregaon Park, Pune nell'inquinatissima green, and 'that the ashram had to wear a burgundy dress one day and white at night. When I saw the stalls on the sidewalk with the coats and then I realized that I was near the center is now called 'Osho Meditation Resort’. Trovare un posto da dormire nelle vicinanze non e’ stato facile. Dopo l’attentato alla German Bakery (ancora chiusa e con un muro sfondato dall’esplosione) mi hanno detto che ci sono stati controlli a tappeto e che quindi le guesthouse sono diventate clandestine. Io ho fermato una sanyasi (una discepola) che mi ha portato da una sua collega tedesca che lavora all’ashram e fa l’affittacamere. Prima mi ha detto che era ‘’tutto pieno’’, poi mi ha squadrato di nuovo, e mi ha detto che forse una stanza ce l’aveva…. Ha aperto l’appartamento di fianco e mi ha mostrato una camera, molto bella, con vista e un bagno grande. Insomma meglio di casa mia a Delhi. Prezzo 750 rupie, which is fine, but it is not your budget. Prepay, visa and passport photocopy orders given buckets, from Germany, although 'enlightened'.
Al 'Resort''are doing the work. The entrance is covered by scaffolding, hammers pnesumatici feel. You enter from the center that is welcoming to visitors. Employees-sanyasi in burgundy robes, greeted me with a smile, but then when they realized from my Indian visa that I was a journalist and that I was in Pakistan, have changed expression. They asked me to sit down while one guy went off with my passport to show it to whomever. Then I was asked to speak by phone with un’addetta stampa, che mi ha chiesto per ben tre volte, con tono non troppo amichevole, se ero lí per lavoro. ‘’No, non ti preoccupare, é una visita personale - ho ripetuto - ma se avete sconti per giornalisti li accetto ...oppure se mi fate pagare come gli indiani, visto che abito in India…’’. La battuta non é stata gradita. ‘Non facciamo sconti a nessuno e tu sei una straniera ’’ ha replicato seccamente la voce. La 'registration card' costa 1.550 rupie (per gli stranieri, 1.150 per i cittadini indiani) e comprende la ‘welcoming visit’ (che io ho perso perché sono arrivata 10 minuti in ritardo, manco ci fossero state le folle di visitatori, ero da sola..), il test dell’Aids e il day pass. La registrazione ha preso un po’ di tempo. Era da un bel po’ che non venivo così vivisezionata, addirittura hanno digitalizzato la mia firma. ‘Dopo la German Bakery…la sicurezza’’ mi hanno spiegato. Vero, non dimentichiamo che l’americano di origine pachistana David Hadley, che dicono essere uno degli ideatori dell’attentato di Mumbai, e’ venuto qui a fare una 'ricognizione', almeno cosí dicono. E non dimentichiamo che dicono pure che Osho ero uno della Cia (e anche avvelenato dalla Cia). Insomma c’é del losco, e io probabilmente con un passaporto pieno di visti pachistani appaio losca… Comunque adesso sanno tutto di me, anche who are not HIV positive.
AIDS test, in fact, I worried a bit 'and I was curious about. I thought a blood test. They took me to a storeroom where an Indian in a white coat opened a kit, I drilled the middle finger, has collected a drop of blood placed on a pad and broke it. I tried to read the brand on the envelope, but he with a quick gesture he threw it away. 'I just wanted to know what kind of kit was, I had never seen' I said apologetically. In response, the guy called the kapo-sanyasi, told him of my request and he threw me a dirty look. 'Now you go to buy good''Nazi-style ordered. Practically, qui al resort, come in tutti i resort, si paga anche l’aria che si respira: i buoni servono per comprare cibo, ingressi per la piscina, il costume obbligatorio bordeaux, i tappetini per la meditazione, ecc. Sono coupon da 100 rupie dove c’e’scritto ‘Contribution for Meditation Activities’. ‘Prendine per mille rupie, perché dovrai comprare le tuniche’’ mi dice il kapò. ‘Veramente la bordeaux ce l’ho gia…’’ replico timidamente e tiro fuori dalla borsa una palandrana comprata al mercato nero sul marciapiede per 200 rupie (meno 50 rupie che mi sono state rimborsate quando l’ho riportata indietro).
Con la tunica indosso e il day pass in tasca, At that point, they took me to the Information Centre where I found my house that works in Germany. But I had the feeling that it was not too happy to know his business to fellow sanyasi. I have read two pages of rules and given a instruction booklet in Italian for meditation classes that I have read in front of a chocolate croissant purchased at the Buddha Cafe 'sanyasi surrounded by office workers in coffee-break' and a hungry peacock I looked menacing. (Continued)
was a bit 'of time that I wanted to visit Osho's ashram in Pune. I finally found the time, but I came out quite disappointed and a little 'angry for what, in my opinion, has become a new age of business. A Las Vegas of meditation, with a hint of fascist intolerance. That I am absolutely incapable of perceiving dimensions beyond that of my body and my mind, 'well established. I was hugged by Amma in Kerala, I spent entire afternoons under the tree of Buddha in Bodhgaya temple and golf-ball-to-Auroville, without receiving even a glimmer of spirituality. But here the sensation and Osho 'was even unpleasant. Many sanyasi, whom I met, such as Dario (which has a restaurant near the entrance of the ashram) came here for a short time and remained there for years. After one day, I could not take it more '. It is the guide to this experience that, among other things, and I 'also cost a lot of money. I understand now why there are so few first-hand information on what happens inside ...
The only thing I knew when I arrived in Koregaon Park, Pune nell'inquinatissima green, and 'that the ashram had to wear a burgundy dress one day and white at night. When I saw the stalls on the sidewalk with the coats and then I realized that I was near the center is now called 'Osho Meditation Resort’. Trovare un posto da dormire nelle vicinanze non e’ stato facile. Dopo l’attentato alla German Bakery (ancora chiusa e con un muro sfondato dall’esplosione) mi hanno detto che ci sono stati controlli a tappeto e che quindi le guesthouse sono diventate clandestine. Io ho fermato una sanyasi (una discepola) che mi ha portato da una sua collega tedesca che lavora all’ashram e fa l’affittacamere. Prima mi ha detto che era ‘’tutto pieno’’, poi mi ha squadrato di nuovo, e mi ha detto che forse una stanza ce l’aveva…. Ha aperto l’appartamento di fianco e mi ha mostrato una camera, molto bella, con vista e un bagno grande. Insomma meglio di casa mia a Delhi. Prezzo 750 rupie, which is fine, but it is not your budget. Prepay, visa and passport photocopy orders given buckets, from Germany, although 'enlightened'.
Al 'Resort''are doing the work. The entrance is covered by scaffolding, hammers pnesumatici feel. You enter from the center that is welcoming to visitors. Employees-sanyasi in burgundy robes, greeted me with a smile, but then when they realized from my Indian visa that I was a journalist and that I was in Pakistan, have changed expression. They asked me to sit down while one guy went off with my passport to show it to whomever. Then I was asked to speak by phone with un’addetta stampa, che mi ha chiesto per ben tre volte, con tono non troppo amichevole, se ero lí per lavoro. ‘’No, non ti preoccupare, é una visita personale - ho ripetuto - ma se avete sconti per giornalisti li accetto ...oppure se mi fate pagare come gli indiani, visto che abito in India…’’. La battuta non é stata gradita. ‘Non facciamo sconti a nessuno e tu sei una straniera ’’ ha replicato seccamente la voce. La 'registration card' costa 1.550 rupie (per gli stranieri, 1.150 per i cittadini indiani) e comprende la ‘welcoming visit’ (che io ho perso perché sono arrivata 10 minuti in ritardo, manco ci fossero state le folle di visitatori, ero da sola..), il test dell’Aids e il day pass. La registrazione ha preso un po’ di tempo. Era da un bel po’ che non venivo così vivisezionata, addirittura hanno digitalizzato la mia firma. ‘Dopo la German Bakery…la sicurezza’’ mi hanno spiegato. Vero, non dimentichiamo che l’americano di origine pachistana David Hadley, che dicono essere uno degli ideatori dell’attentato di Mumbai, e’ venuto qui a fare una 'ricognizione', almeno cosí dicono. E non dimentichiamo che dicono pure che Osho ero uno della Cia (e anche avvelenato dalla Cia). Insomma c’é del losco, e io probabilmente con un passaporto pieno di visti pachistani appaio losca… Comunque adesso sanno tutto di me, anche who are not HIV positive.
AIDS test, in fact, I worried a bit 'and I was curious about. I thought a blood test. They took me to a storeroom where an Indian in a white coat opened a kit, I drilled the middle finger, has collected a drop of blood placed on a pad and broke it. I tried to read the brand on the envelope, but he with a quick gesture he threw it away. 'I just wanted to know what kind of kit was, I had never seen' I said apologetically. In response, the guy called the kapo-sanyasi, told him of my request and he threw me a dirty look. 'Now you go to buy good''Nazi-style ordered. Practically, qui al resort, come in tutti i resort, si paga anche l’aria che si respira: i buoni servono per comprare cibo, ingressi per la piscina, il costume obbligatorio bordeaux, i tappetini per la meditazione, ecc. Sono coupon da 100 rupie dove c’e’scritto ‘Contribution for Meditation Activities’. ‘Prendine per mille rupie, perché dovrai comprare le tuniche’’ mi dice il kapò. ‘Veramente la bordeaux ce l’ho gia…’’ replico timidamente e tiro fuori dalla borsa una palandrana comprata al mercato nero sul marciapiede per 200 rupie (meno 50 rupie che mi sono state rimborsate quando l’ho riportata indietro).
Con la tunica indosso e il day pass in tasca, At that point, they took me to the Information Centre where I found my house that works in Germany. But I had the feeling that it was not too happy to know his business to fellow sanyasi. I have read two pages of rules and given a instruction booklet in Italian for meditation classes that I have read in front of a chocolate croissant purchased at the Buddha Cafe 'sanyasi surrounded by office workers in coffee-break' and a hungry peacock I looked menacing. (Continued)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Does Asbestos Cause Headaches
When you arrive in Bhopal Bhopal
it happens on the bus from Bhopal to Sanchi has met with nothing less than a representative of pesticides. Lupus in fabula, it seems. I must admit that the meetings more 'interesting della mia vita li ho fatto sui bus locali, quelli dove sali e ti siedi dove vuoi e che non partono fino a quando tutto lo spazio non e' fisicamente occupato da persone e cose.
Satendra Singh Chauhan, direi sui 35 anni, lavora da tre per la Meghmani Organics LTD, una societa’ di pesticidi di Ahmedabad. E’ un ASM, che mi sono fatta spiegare vuol dire Area Sales Manager. Quando gli ho chiesto perche’ non gli passavano l’auto aziendale e lo costringevano a visitare i clienti in bus, ha iniziato una lunga serie di lamentele. I suoi superiori sono dei tirchi, risparmiano su tutto, lui ha portato il fatturato da zero a tot milioni di rupie e continuano a promettergli un’auto. Lui pero’ ha minacciato le dimissioni, ma non can 'be smart to do too much' cause is not a qualification, although after 12 years of experience knows by heart all the insects, molds, worms, along with their poisons.
We talked about the Union Carbide and it 'came out that the American manager Anderson paid a staggering sum at the first local government to be brought to Delhi and then Rajiv Gandhi (then premier) to leave India. These are things that have come out in the press recently and when you 're-opened the debate on factory-trick after a ruling by a court against the perpetrators of the tragedy.
Inevitably the conversation and then 'fell on the environment. I remember when it was no longer in Piedmont ' Drinking water 'cause there was atrazine in wells. Told him. He argued that without pesticides is not nothing, and then the farmers are likely to die of hunger. 'But c'e'davvero need to spray a lot of stuff?''. 'Large numbers' has been the answer, with a sense of satisfaction, because this stuff sells him. Then looking out the window showed me the list. 'These are soybeans, sprinkled now ... then go get the corn, ditto for basmati. Bananas Instead, immerse in a chemical because 'green pick them, but when you buy them to be mature. Idem mangoes. 'But even mangoes? Ma quelli vengono da soli’’ ho reagito. ‘Assolutamente no, non c’e nulla di quello che tu mangi che non sia ricoperto di veleno’’. Ma io i manghi li sbuccio…’ho replicato aggrappandomi disperatamente all’ultima speranza. Risposta: ‘fidati, ci lavoro, il pesticida penetra dentro. Se vuoi un consiglio, tutta la frutta e verdura che compri mettila in una bacinella d’acqua e lasciala per mezzora in modo che il veleno si diluisca…’’. Se lo dice uno di Bhopal…
it happens on the bus from Bhopal to Sanchi has met with nothing less than a representative of pesticides. Lupus in fabula, it seems. I must admit that the meetings more 'interesting della mia vita li ho fatto sui bus locali, quelli dove sali e ti siedi dove vuoi e che non partono fino a quando tutto lo spazio non e' fisicamente occupato da persone e cose.
Satendra Singh Chauhan, direi sui 35 anni, lavora da tre per la Meghmani Organics LTD, una societa’ di pesticidi di Ahmedabad. E’ un ASM, che mi sono fatta spiegare vuol dire Area Sales Manager. Quando gli ho chiesto perche’ non gli passavano l’auto aziendale e lo costringevano a visitare i clienti in bus, ha iniziato una lunga serie di lamentele. I suoi superiori sono dei tirchi, risparmiano su tutto, lui ha portato il fatturato da zero a tot milioni di rupie e continuano a promettergli un’auto. Lui pero’ ha minacciato le dimissioni, ma non can 'be smart to do too much' cause is not a qualification, although after 12 years of experience knows by heart all the insects, molds, worms, along with their poisons.
We talked about the Union Carbide and it 'came out that the American manager Anderson paid a staggering sum at the first local government to be brought to Delhi and then Rajiv Gandhi (then premier) to leave India. These are things that have come out in the press recently and when you 're-opened the debate on factory-trick after a ruling by a court against the perpetrators of the tragedy.
Inevitably the conversation and then 'fell on the environment. I remember when it was no longer in Piedmont ' Drinking water 'cause there was atrazine in wells. Told him. He argued that without pesticides is not nothing, and then the farmers are likely to die of hunger. 'But c'e'davvero need to spray a lot of stuff?''. 'Large numbers' has been the answer, with a sense of satisfaction, because this stuff sells him. Then looking out the window showed me the list. 'These are soybeans, sprinkled now ... then go get the corn, ditto for basmati. Bananas Instead, immerse in a chemical because 'green pick them, but when you buy them to be mature. Idem mangoes. 'But even mangoes? Ma quelli vengono da soli’’ ho reagito. ‘Assolutamente no, non c’e nulla di quello che tu mangi che non sia ricoperto di veleno’’. Ma io i manghi li sbuccio…’ho replicato aggrappandomi disperatamente all’ultima speranza. Risposta: ‘fidati, ci lavoro, il pesticida penetra dentro. Se vuoi un consiglio, tutta la frutta e verdura che compri mettila in una bacinella d’acqua e lasciala per mezzora in modo che il veleno si diluisca…’’. Se lo dice uno di Bhopal…
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wholesale Stylecraft Wool
plate and the playground of Union Carbide India
Un trasloco, sfighe a catena e qualche problema di salute mi hanno tenuto lontano da Indie per un po’. Solo dopo le prime dieci ore di treno, in una appicicosa notte di monsone, mi e’ tornata la voglia di scattare e di raccontare.
La prima cosa che ti dicono quando vai a Bhopal, e’ di stare attenti a cosa si mangia e si beve. Certo dopo quello che e’ successo 26 anni fa e’ normale. Ammetto che dal primo momento che ho messo il piede fuori dal treno, le scene descritte nel libro di La Pierre di quella notte, mi sono presentate davanti. Diro’ una bestialita’, forse, ma la mia impressione e’ che - come sempre in India - anche questa mostruosa sciagura si e’ riassorbita nel flusso caotico di una citta’ che e’ devastata da un traffico assordante, cumuli di spazzatura, voragini in strada e un’umanita’ che ogni giorno cerca di sopravvivere, nulla di piu’. Certo anche Bhopal diventasse come Losanna (c’e anche un lago e delle collinette qui, l’accostamento e’ perfetto) il suo nome sara’ per sempre legato alla fuga di gas. Come a Seveso.
Appena arrivata sono andata alla fabbrica, che e’ a una ventina di minuti dal centro storico. E’ ancora una zona industriale, la via si chiama anche Union Carbide street, con pessimo gusto, direi, ed’e’costellata di slum. Sulla recinzione ci sono delle scritte dei gruppi di attivisti (gli unici che tengono duro) e poi c’e un murales con una statua di marmo raffigurante una donna e dei bambini, nell’atto di scappare, at least I understand it. The monument 'on the opposite sidewalk, near the entrance of another factory that has nothing to do. To visit and it takes a leave of 'Collector Office', which I think is the local magistrate. I have tried the technique of-a-tourist-I-am-lost, but it did not work. The guards were sgam. So I followed the bureaucratic process that led me into a 'Gas Victims office' and that 'one of the most' Kafkaesque I've ever seen. In a tunnel, chock full of rusty and dusty cabinets, darkness', on the desk covered with tablecloths that seemed to have been used for years a restaurant in a truck, There were two employees in front of a computer screen. Playing Solitaire. My arrival there was visibly disturbed. I was expecting an answer, type, fill this form and return in a month. But no, even if with one eye on the virtual green carpet, took care of my practice. In the meantime I looked around. The cabinets, lined a wall full of soot and cobwebs, there are the names of 10,000 victims. Some folders overflowing. Evfidentemente office, created at the time 'and' left and now works as a 'travel agency'. I say that every day two or three people ask to visit the site. I am amazed. I suggest that they do pay a donation so 'by repairing straw chair smashed as the one where I'm sitting and even whiten your office. You laugh, but you see I have focused on solitary. Each has a specific task, my name registrants, who must sign the permission to do the 'joint collector', who finally gives me the receipt. While the college cares for me, the other in front of the computer to turn back like magnets drawn to the game. This 'paradoxical, that do most of the dead around with' great escape of gas in the world. I seem to hear almost the pain out of those closets.
The visit takes place from 4 to 5, a little man with dyed hair henna 'spare me. The plant and 'watched by 40 people paid the state of Madhya Pradesh which is' also the owner of the land. I had already seen 'in many photos, so I'm not surprised. But I thought it was the ninth can even go inside, under the famous pipe burst. It 's all rusty, but intact. They are also horrified by grass and plants around. I imagined a post-nuclear scenario, with the scorched earth ... there were cows grazing, birds and squirrels chasing each other. Bucolic scenery, almost. A fifty dimeters the slums there. A baby-faced urchin caught in the play between the pipes and tanks abandoned, is taken back by a guard to mother rebukes him. Apparently the factory and 'their playground. She starts to cry. 'They can not drink the water, which comes with tankers from fuori''mi explained my guide when I ask if they have problems. They have school, medical care and the houses seem well made. But why 'still be here, at least PERCHE'NON fenced area? Silence. I think a bit 'up and I am reminded people that one day riding a bike since I lived on the edge of the sewer district in RK Puram in Delhi, next to my neighborhood. And 'where the sewer download my bathroom. Yes, 'nonsensical question.
Un trasloco, sfighe a catena e qualche problema di salute mi hanno tenuto lontano da Indie per un po’. Solo dopo le prime dieci ore di treno, in una appicicosa notte di monsone, mi e’ tornata la voglia di scattare e di raccontare.
La prima cosa che ti dicono quando vai a Bhopal, e’ di stare attenti a cosa si mangia e si beve. Certo dopo quello che e’ successo 26 anni fa e’ normale. Ammetto che dal primo momento che ho messo il piede fuori dal treno, le scene descritte nel libro di La Pierre di quella notte, mi sono presentate davanti. Diro’ una bestialita’, forse, ma la mia impressione e’ che - come sempre in India - anche questa mostruosa sciagura si e’ riassorbita nel flusso caotico di una citta’ che e’ devastata da un traffico assordante, cumuli di spazzatura, voragini in strada e un’umanita’ che ogni giorno cerca di sopravvivere, nulla di piu’. Certo anche Bhopal diventasse come Losanna (c’e anche un lago e delle collinette qui, l’accostamento e’ perfetto) il suo nome sara’ per sempre legato alla fuga di gas. Come a Seveso.
Appena arrivata sono andata alla fabbrica, che e’ a una ventina di minuti dal centro storico. E’ ancora una zona industriale, la via si chiama anche Union Carbide street, con pessimo gusto, direi, ed’e’costellata di slum. Sulla recinzione ci sono delle scritte dei gruppi di attivisti (gli unici che tengono duro) e poi c’e un murales con una statua di marmo raffigurante una donna e dei bambini, nell’atto di scappare, at least I understand it. The monument 'on the opposite sidewalk, near the entrance of another factory that has nothing to do. To visit and it takes a leave of 'Collector Office', which I think is the local magistrate. I have tried the technique of-a-tourist-I-am-lost, but it did not work. The guards were sgam. So I followed the bureaucratic process that led me into a 'Gas Victims office' and that 'one of the most' Kafkaesque I've ever seen. In a tunnel, chock full of rusty and dusty cabinets, darkness', on the desk covered with tablecloths that seemed to have been used for years a restaurant in a truck, There were two employees in front of a computer screen. Playing Solitaire. My arrival there was visibly disturbed. I was expecting an answer, type, fill this form and return in a month. But no, even if with one eye on the virtual green carpet, took care of my practice. In the meantime I looked around. The cabinets, lined a wall full of soot and cobwebs, there are the names of 10,000 victims. Some folders overflowing. Evfidentemente office, created at the time 'and' left and now works as a 'travel agency'. I say that every day two or three people ask to visit the site. I am amazed. I suggest that they do pay a donation so 'by repairing straw chair smashed as the one where I'm sitting and even whiten your office. You laugh, but you see I have focused on solitary. Each has a specific task, my name registrants, who must sign the permission to do the 'joint collector', who finally gives me the receipt. While the college cares for me, the other in front of the computer to turn back like magnets drawn to the game. This 'paradoxical, that do most of the dead around with' great escape of gas in the world. I seem to hear almost the pain out of those closets.
The visit takes place from 4 to 5, a little man with dyed hair henna 'spare me. The plant and 'watched by 40 people paid the state of Madhya Pradesh which is' also the owner of the land. I had already seen 'in many photos, so I'm not surprised. But I thought it was the ninth can even go inside, under the famous pipe burst. It 's all rusty, but intact. They are also horrified by grass and plants around. I imagined a post-nuclear scenario, with the scorched earth ... there were cows grazing, birds and squirrels chasing each other. Bucolic scenery, almost. A fifty dimeters the slums there. A baby-faced urchin caught in the play between the pipes and tanks abandoned, is taken back by a guard to mother rebukes him. Apparently the factory and 'their playground. She starts to cry. 'They can not drink the water, which comes with tankers from fuori''mi explained my guide when I ask if they have problems. They have school, medical care and the houses seem well made. But why 'still be here, at least PERCHE'NON fenced area? Silence. I think a bit 'up and I am reminded people that one day riding a bike since I lived on the edge of the sewer district in RK Puram in Delhi, next to my neighborhood. And 'where the sewer download my bathroom. Yes, 'nonsensical question.
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